Exporting material properties

Thermal Model Exchanger supports exporting materials from Thermal Desktop into Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal.

Thermal Model Exchanger (TMX) only supports the Thermal Desktop Basic Properties for Material. When exporting a material, TMX only transfers mass density, specific heat and thermal conductivity. It considers the scale value that you specify for the mass density and thermal conductivity.

Mass density

TMX only supports constant mass density. When a Thermal Desktop value is defined as a table, TMX exports the value as a constant using the first value of the table, and writes a warning to the export summary.

Specific heat

TMX supports both constant and table-defined specific heat.

Thermal conductivity

TMX supports constant and temperature dependent thermal conductivities. If the Thermal Desktop material conductivity is temperature dependent, the table values are transferred. Other dependencies are not supported. TMX exports the thermal conductivity as a constant using the first value of the table and writes a warning to the export summary.

For isotropic materials, TMX transfers a single value. For Thermal Desktop anisotropic materials, the kx, ky, and kz values of the conductivity are assigned to the three components of an orthotropic material in Simcenter 3D.