Exporting heaters
You can use Thermal Model Exchanger to export Heaters from Thermal Desktop to Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal.
In Thermal Desktop, a Heater with a sense temperature selection is exported to Simcenter 3D as a Thermal Load heat source with a modelling object of type:
- Thermostat when Proportional is set to Off in the Heater dialog box. It operates in bang-bang mode. If the temperature falls below the on temperature, the heater power is activated, and it is deactivated above the off temperature. This behavior is equivalent to the thermostat in Simcenter 3D.
- Active Heater Controller with Proportional type when Proportional is set to On in the Heater dialog box. It operates in proportional mode. If the temperature is between the on temperature and the off temperature, the power is proportional to the range between these temperatures. This behavior is equivalent to the active heater controller in Simcenter 3D.
In Simcenter 3D, the element selection for the Thermal Loads is defined based on the load selection in the Thermal Desktop's Heater and the element selection for the thermostat or active heater controller is defined based on the heater's sense temperature selection.
For the heater selection types in Thermal Desktop, Thermal Model Exchanger supports exporting loads applied on surface faces and edges and sense temperature on surface faces. If the load or the sense temperature is applied on a mixture of surfaces and nodes, only the surface selection is exported. The node selection will be ignored during the export.
In Thermal Desktop, the Sense Method for the Heater allows you to set the Combined Temperature Across Sensor Selection method for the Thermostat or Active Heater Controller modeling objects in Simcenter 3D 2406 or later versions.
In Thermal Desktop, the method you select for how the software treats thermostats in the steady state analysis is not exported. Simcenter 3D uses a global setting and the Sink to Average Temperature method is used by default in the exported steady state solution.