How to define a value in the boundary condition as a function of time?
This article explains how to define a value for the boundary condition as a function of time, when the time points follow a complex formula.
For example, in the Thermal Coupling boundary condition, you want to define a heat transfer coefficient with a value defined by an exponential function of time.
- In the Coefficient box, select .
- On the Independent Domain page, from the
Independent list, select
- On the Definition page, click Edit table in
- Create tabular data in a spreadsheet by adding time points and the convection
coefficient with the desired formula. For example, define time points using the
exponential formula: =EXP(time)*100. Then, close the spreadsheet. The data from the
spreadsheet appears in the table field. Note:If you decide to modify the table and open it again in Excel, the formula will be lost and only the numbers present in the table will be retained. Make sure to save the spreadsheet with the formula defined.