1000 - 1999 information messages

ID Message text and information
1001 Elements <ID> through <ID> are circular elements. Axis is along nodes <ID> and <ID>.
1002 Largest TMG table no. generated from ANSYS input=<ID>.
1003 Axisymmetric element generation report
1004 The symmetry is local.
1005 The symmetry is global.
1006 Axisymmetric elements were merged to profile elements.
1007 Axisymmetric view factors were requested with merge.
1008 Axisymmetric elements are defined as circular elements.
1009 Name assignment report:

NameFirst ElementLast ElementIncrement

1010 <Name> <First Element> <Last Element> <Increment>
1011 Variable assignment report:


1012 <Name> <Value>
1013 End of variable assignment report.
1014 <string>
1015 <string>
1016 Invalid Model Translation option (Card 2a, N=4)
1017 Elements <ID> thru <ID> have been generated in increments of <ID> and <ID>.
1018 Field 4 of REPEAT Card is blank, set to 0.
1019 Repeat Card is ignored as previous Card is TABTYPE, TABDATA, or PRINT.
1020 No eclipse occurs during this orbit.
1021 Sun and planet angles are calculated for <integer> orbital positions.
1022 Eclipse starts at time <value>. Angle from periapsis=<value>

Eclipse ends at time <value>. Angle from periapsis=<value>

1023 Eclipse duration=<value>
1024 Elements <ID> through <ID> of the model were not deactivated.
1025 Elements <ID> through <ID> of the model were deactivated.
1026 Conductive conductances to elements <ID> through <ID> are deleted.
1027 Radiative conductances connected to elements <ID> through <ID> are deleted.
1028 The heat loads to elements <ID> through <ID> are deleted.
1029 The capacitances to elements <ID> through <ID> are deleted.
1030 Axisymmetric elements <ID> to <ID> (Increment=<integer>) are generated from profile element.
1031 A total of <integer> profile elements are redefined to be axisymmetric elements.
1032 All profile elements are defined to be axisymmetric elements.
1033 A total of <integer> additional axisymmetric elements are generated.
1034 <Type> element <ID> created at node <ID>.
1035 Space elements <integer> created and merged to <ID>.
1036 Space elements <integer> were created and merged to <ID>.
1037 Orbital calculation times are:
1038 X rot.=<value> Y rot.=<value> Z rot.=<value> Time=<value>
1039 T=<value> Theta=<value> Sun: Thetas=<value> Phis=<value> Planet: Thetae=<value> Phie=<value>
1040 Perigee occurs above north pole
1041 Perigee occurs above south pole
1042 Local time at perigee is:<integer> HR <integer> MIN
1043 The emissivity of elements <ID> through <ID> is changed to <value>.
1044 Solar surface property of elements <ID> through <ID> is changed to <value>.
1045 Conduction parameter of elements <ID> through <ID> is changed to <value>.
1046 Capacitance parameter of elements <ID> through <ID> is changed to <value>.
1048 Initial <string> obtained from file <name>.
1049 Elements <ID> and <ID> are a transparency pair.
1050 Elements of group <name> are circular elements, Axis is along nodes <ID> and <ID>.
1051 Options for run:

Module selection parameter=<integer>

File translation control parameter=<integer>

Subdivision parameter=<integer>

Radiative Coupling Threshold=<value>

First conductance # for SINDA output=<integer>

1052 Residual view factor control value=<integer>

Stefan-Boltzmann constant= <value>

1053 GRADNT=<value>

Absolute temperature offset=<value>

Printout interval=<value>


1054 TST=<value> TF=<value>
1055 Transient Damping Parameter=<value>
1056 Input data is in NASTRAN format
1074 View factor symmetry calculations are performed with element merging.
1075 View factor symmetry calculations are performed with no element merging.
1076 Cpu time=<value> End of run
1077 Conductive conductances and capacitances will be calculated with CG method.
1078 File <name> has been converted into binary format.
1079 Note: Files VUFF and MODLF are in binary format. They may be converted to ASCII format with the ''tmg as'' command.
1080 Parameter Card: <name>
1082 Pressure sink definitions obtained from file PRESSF.
1083 New Cartesian coordinate system is created.
1084 New cylindrical coordinate system is created.
1085 New spherical coordinate system is created.
1086 New origin is at <value> <value> <value>.
1087 New X axis is <value> <value> <value>.
1088 New Y axis is <value> <value> <value>.
1089 New Z axis is <value> <value> <value>.
1090 Number of nodes <integer>
1091 Number of geometric elements <integer>
1092 Number of 1-D/duct fluid elements <integer>
1093 Solution is transient with Exponential Forward Integration.
1094 Solution is transient with Forward Integration.
1095 Solution is transient with Forward-Backward Integration.
1096 Solution is transient with fixed Alpha.
1097 Solution is transient with optimized Alpha.
1098 Absolute temperature offset=<value>

Results output interval=<value>

1099 Integration time step=<value>
1100 Integration time step=<value>*RCmin
1101 Load time=<value>

Iteration limit=<integer>

1102 Time averaged loads will be used.

Iteration limit=<integer>

1103 Start Time=<value>

Final Time=<value>

1104 Transient Damping Parameter=<value>
1105 Solution is steady state with temperature convergence criterion < <value>.
1106 Steady state iteration damping parameter=<value>
1107 Coincident node check activated, number of merged nodes=<integer>
1108 No. of machines available for parallel run of <name> is <integer>. Details about these machines are following:
1109 The primary machine <ID>: <name>
1110 The remote machine <ID>: <name>
1111 Note: To run HEMIVIEW in parallel on UNIX/Linux, each machine must have a graphic card and it must have an active local login session running. In addition, the access control to the X server on the remote machines must be disabled, by its local user using the command: xhost +.
1112 Checking availability of all machines to run <name> in parallel. This may take up to a few minutes...
1113 ...done checking machines.
1114 No. of processors used for parallel run of <name> is <integer>.
1115 Rotational Periodic elements <ID> to <ID> (Increment=<integer>) are generated from profile element <ID>.
1116 A total of <integer> profile elements are redefined to be Rotational Periodic elements.
1117 All profile elements are defined to be rotational periodic elements.
1118 A total of <integer> additional rotational periodic elements are generated.
1119 Solution is transient with fixed alpha - fully implicit.
1120 New method is used to treat enclosure radiations applied to plane stress edge or axisymmetric elements.
1203 In the free convection coupling referencing characteristic element <ID>, angle with the vertical is <value> degrees, the vertical correlation used.
1204 In the free convection coupling referencing characteristic element <ID>, angle with horizontal is <value> degrees, the horizontal correlation used.
1205 Circular element <ID> was subdivided into elements:

<list of element IDs>

1206 Cpu time= <value> <name> Module
1207 Number of shadowing surfaces =<integer> created from <integer> elements
1209 has only <integer> elements.
1210 Number of specular reflections processed <integer>

Number of self reflections on curved surfaces <integer>

Number of ray/curved surface intersect failures <integer>

1211 Calculating view factors for articulation time <value>
1212 Quad element <ID> was subdivided into 2 triangles: <ID> <ID>
1213 Cpu time=<value> processing orbital request for time <value>
1214 Cpu time=<value>
1215 Processing radiation request <integer>,<integer> items are to be computed.
1216 At Cpu time=<value> seconds the calculation is <integer>% complete.
1217 ...done.
1218 View factor and orbital view factor calculation summary:

No. of rays launched toward specular/transparent elements: <value>

No. of view factors calculated with no elemental subdivision: <value>

No. of view factors calculated with elemental subdivision: <value>

1219 Note: anti-aliasing is in effect for solar view factor calculations. When solar view factors are calculated for transparent and specular surfaces, then the normal elemental subdivision parameter is multiplied by <integer>.
1220 _#I VUFAC 1 Processing orbital request <integer>$
1221 _#I VUFAC 3 ...done.$
1222 _#I VUFAC 4 Processing all orbital requests$
1223 Processing orbital request <ID>
1224 _#I VUFAC 2 <integer>% done$
1225 Cpu time=<value> processing orbital request for time <value>.
1226 Note: anti-aliasing is in effect for collimated radiative sources. The specified elemental subdivision parameter is multiplied by <integer>.
1227 ...done.
1228 Processing radiation request <ID> MC method casts rays from <number> elements.


Number of particles <number>

Dose Statistics [Time*Power/Length^2]

Mean Dose = <value> Standard Deviation = <value>

Min. Dose = <value> Max. Dose = <value>

Residence Time Statistics [Time]

Mean Time = <value> Standard Deviation = <value>

Min. Time = <value> Max. Time = <value>

Path Length Statistics [Length]

Mean Path = <value> Standard Deviation = <value>

Min. Path = <value> Max. Path = <value>

1230 Calculating V.F. with spinning effect at time = <value> …
1231 Processing radiation request <ID> (<integer>), <number> items are to be computed.
1232 _#I VUFAC 1 Processing orbital request <ID> (<integer>)$
1233 Processing radiation request <ID> (<integer>), MC method casts rays from <number> elements.
1234 Spinning Time Step: <integer>


1235 Total elapsed time in VUFAC is <value> seconds

Total time in VF main computations section: <value> sec

Total time in input processing (readsd3): <value> sec

Total time in broadcasting data to remote cores: <value> sec

Total time in waiting for remote cores: <value> sec

Total time in output file writing: <value> sec

Total time in receiving data from remote cores: <value> sec

Total time in thermal coupling calculations: <value> sec

Total time in conv1 (alone): <value> sec

Total time in specular view factor processing: <value> sec

Total time in view factor merging: <value> sec

Total time in immduct: <value> sec

Total time in building octree (FEM): <value> sec

Total time in comput duct calculation (FEM): <value> sec

Total time in reading element (readsd3): <value> sec

Total time in putpi (readsd3): <value> sec

Total time in reading init (readsd3): <value> sec

Total time in main loop (readsd3): <value> sec

Total time in BLOCK: <value> sec

1236 Max and average times per workload chunk on each process are:
1237 Max of <value> and average of <value> sec on proc <ID>
1238 A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with group: <name>
1239 Note: When Finite Element Method is used, the option "Only Connect Overlapping Elements" is automatically activated for all thermal couplings of type perfect contact.
1300 Creating solar spectrum gray body view factor matrix
1301 Creating IR spectrum gray body view factor matrix
1302 Creating radiative couplings...
1303 Enclosure no. <ID> contains <number> elements
1304 The residual view factors are to the elements themselves.
1305 KSP = <integer> The residual view factors are to element <ID>
1306 View factor adjustment is performed...
1307 Oppenheim method used, new elements created with an increment of <number>.
1308 Surface element <ID> created for element <ID>
1309 Max view factor sum =',F7.3,' for element <ID> <string> Min view factor sum =',F7.3,' for element <ID> <string> Please see [Solution_name]_report.log file for complete report.
1311 Element no.<ID> Sum = <value> Residual VF = <value> <string>
1312 Enclosure does not see space: Residual view factors are to elements themselves.
1314 After iteration <ID> maximum Vfsum deviation = <value> at element <ID>.
1315 Processing articulation time <value>
1316 A complete element list of enclosure <ID> appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>.
1317 A complete list of the front facing elements of enclosure <ID> appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>.
1318 A complete list of the reverse facing elements of enclosure <ID> appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>.
1319 Multispectral run for band <ID>, lambda range: <value> -> <value> microns.
1320 No radiative couplings created.
1400 Calculating IR spectrum and Earth IR heat loads.
1401 Calculating diffuse solar spectrum and albedo heat loads.
1402 Calculating collimated solar heat loads.
1403 Processing heat loads for articulation time <value>
1404 For some elements <string> fluxes were calculated where black body view factors do not exist. Only the direct absorbed value was calculated, the reflected component of magnitude <value> was ignored. You may request that the reflected flux be absorbed by the elements by including GPARAM 6 40 1 in Card 9 in INPF, or toggling on the ABR option in the Advanced Solver Options form.
1405 The following <number> elements are affected by this error. The full list is written on file groups.unv with group name:

<name> <element ID>

1406 No radiative heat loads calculated.
1407 Calculating heat loads for source: <name>
1500 The first element >ID> in SINDA deck is arithmetic node, a capacitance of 1E-10 is assigned to it.
1501 The area of element <ID> on input file (INPF) is zero.
1600 NASTRAN CHBDY element <ID> transformed into four node element
1800 Element <ID> <string> was merged into element <ID>
1801 No element renumbering or merging was performed.
1802 Substructuring criterion: RCmin = <value>
1803 Substructuring criterion: Cmin = <value>
1804 Substructuring criterion: Gsumn = <value>
1805 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated - it has a temperature boundary condition.
1806 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, it has radiation defined.
1807 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, it is part of a fluid network.
1808 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, referenced by a convective or series coupling.
1809 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, it is part of a fluid network.
1810 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, referenced by an interpolation table.
1811 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, it is referenced by a thermostat.
1812 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, it is a MCV fluid element.
1813 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, it has phase change defined.
1814 Element <ID> cannot be eliminated, attached to a numbered conductance.
1815 Summary of thinning operation:

Number of conductive conductances reduced from <number> to <number>.

Number of radiative conductances reduced from <number> to <number>.

Total number of conductances reduced from <number> to <number>.

1816 No. of elements merged: <number> For details please see [Solution_name]_report.log file.
1900 Total system heat input <value> since time <value>
1901 Heat absorbed by <value> since time <value> Tavg=<value>
1902 IterTmaxAtTminAtTDmaxAtT(TDmax)Time
1903 <Iteration ID> <Max temperature> <Max temp element ID> <Min temperature> <Min temp element ID> <Max temperature difference> <Max temp diff element ID> <Temperature at max temp diff element> <Time>
1904 Summary for fluid elements
1905 Ambient pressure (absolute) = <value>

Ambient density = <value>

Ambient temperature = <value>

Average density = <value>

1906 Average viscosity = <value>

Maximum Reynolds number = <value> at element <ID>

Minimum Reynolds number = <value> at element <ID>

Average Reynolds number = <value>

1907 Maximum static pressure =<value> at element <ID>

Minimum static pressure =<value> at element <ID>

Maximum dynamic pressure =<value> at element <ID>

1908 Maximum total pressure =<value> at element <ID>

Minimum total pressure =<value> at element <ID>

PDmax =<value>

Total mass flow into sinks =<value>

Total mass flow from sinks =<value>

Deviation from mass balance =<value>

1909 Summary for thermal elements:
1910 Maximum heat balance deviation occurs at element <ID>
1911 Heat flow into sinks = <value>

Heat flow from non-fluid sinks = <value>

Heat load into elements = <value>

Heat flow from fluid sinks = <value>

Deviation from heat balance = <value>

1912 Gsum/C/DeltaT > 1 for MCV element <ID> approx. exponential formulation used.
1913 Element <ID> has no hydraulic diameter defined, calculated from area.
1914 Time=<value> timestep= <value> RCmin= <value> at <integer>
1916 RC products for non-merged elements at the beginning of the run
1917 The following describe the pressure network of the hydraulic elements
1918 Element <ID> Gsum=<value> Cap=<value> RC=<value>
1919 RCmin = <value> at element <ID>

RCmean = <value>

RCmax = <value> at element <ID>

Total capacitance = <value>

1920 At time = <value> timestep = <value> is > than RCmin = <value>
1921 Time = <value>
1924 Incomplete convergence at element <ID> TDmax=<value> Time = <value>
1925 Model Summary:

Number of elements = <integer>

1926 Number of hydraulic elements = <integer>
1927 Total number of conductances = <integer>
1928 Number of linear conductances = <integer>
1929 Number of radiative conductances = <integer>
1930 Number of 1-way fluid conductances = <integer>
1931 Number of follower conductances = <integer>
1932 Number of flow resistances = <integer>
1933 Number of convective conductances = <integer>
1934 Starting run number <ID>
1935 Recommended radiation linearization parameter = <value>
1936 Element elimination process was independent of radiation linearization parameter.
1937 Total heat content (Sum C(i)*T(i)) = <value>
1938 Minimum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Maximum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Average temperature = <value>

1939 Minimum dynamic pressure = <value> at element <ID>

Maximum Mach No. = <value> at element <ID>

1940 Time = <value> timestep = <value> RCmin = <value> at <ID>

Minimum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Maximum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Average temperature = <value>

1941 No. of iterations = <integer>

TDmax = <value> at element <ID>

Minimum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Maximum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Average temperature = <value>

1942 ILU iteration <ID> Residual=<value>
1944 Heat flow into sinks = <value>

Heat flow from non-fluid sinks = <value>

Heat load into elements = <value>

Heat load into sinks = <value>

Heat flow from fluid sinks = <value>

Deviation from heat balance = <value>

1945 Hyd iter <ID> PDmax=<value> Pmax=<value> Pmin=<value> Massdif=<value>
1946 Number of boundary elements = <number>
1947 Total electrical power dissipation = <value>
1948 Clipping at hyd. res. <ID> Value= <value> Bet. elements <ID>
1949 Analyzer paused
1950 Analyzer restarted
1951 Conjugate-gradient solver converged.
1952 Heat flow into temperature BC's: = <value>

Heat flow from temperature BC's: = <value>

Total heat load into elements: = <value>

Total Heat Imbalance: = <value>

Percent Heat Imbalance: = <value> %

1953 Maximum Temperature: = <value>

Minimum Temperature: = <value>

Average Temperature: = <value>

1954 Number of electrical elements=<number>

Number of electrical conductances=<number>

1955 .... List too long to display.

** Number of fluid elements not connected to solids: <number>

** See full list in file groups.unv.

1957 Writing submodel file at time <value> onto file <filename>
1958 Note: During the analysis process a number of elements have been created whose labels you may not recognize. To find out more about these elements and the elements they are associated with, please see [Solution_name]_report.log file for the phrase ''TMG element''
1959 Temperature of element <ID> is <value> at time <value>
1960 At time <value> after <number> cycles of length <value> periodic convergence has been achieved with a maximum temperature difference of <value> at element <ID>
1961 At time <value> after <number> cycles of length <value> periodic convergence has not been achieved, the maximum temperature difference is <value> at element <ID>
1962 Note: The model has ablative materials. The elements of the ablation front are written at each time step on file groups.unv, with the group name starting with the phrase ABLATION_FRONT_AT_TIME=
1963 Heat Flow+Load Summary Into Different Sink Entities:

Sink EntityTemperatureHeatEnergy absorbedFlow+Loadsince start

1964 <Sink entity name> <temperature value> <heat value> <energy absorbed value> <flow+load value> <since start value>
1965 Note: Element <ID> is one of the layers of element <ID>.
1966 Heater sizing calculations: Heat loads will be determined by <number> perturbation calculations plus 1 unperturbed one (at nominal heat loads). One more calculation will then be performed at the determined heat loads. If needed (for nonlinear problems) such sets of calculations will be repeated until convergence of the thermostat temperatures to the specified targets.
1967 Temperature results of heater perturbation <integer>
1968 Thermostat <ID> Temperature = <value>
1969 The following power requirements were computed for the thermostats as percentages of their heater/cooler nominal power ratings:
1970 Thermostat <ID> Heat load: <value> percent of nominal
1971 Temperature results using the final heat loads:
1972 <string>
1973 Temperature results using nominal heat loads:
1974 Time=<value> Integration timestep=<number>
1975 Time=<value> Integration timestep=<number>

Cpu time in ANALYZER module= <value>

Minimum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Maximum temperature = <value> at element <ID>

Average temperature = <value>

1976 Heater sizing calculations: File heatermatrix.dat is used to determine the heat loads.
1977 Temperature results of heater perturbation <integer> iteration <integer>:
1978 Temperature results of nominal heat loads iteration <ID>
1979 Temperature results using determined heat loads iteration <ID>
1980 The problem is nonlinear: iterations on the heater factors will be performed to determine the correct values. The heater factors just determined become the new nominal values.
1981 Beginning iteration <ID> to determine heater factors. The heater factors just determined become the new nominal values.
1982 Total elapsed time in ANALYZER is <value> seconds, including <value> seconds (<value>%) in parallel-processing capable sections.
1983 The next run will calculate temperatures at those power ratings to assess convergence (proximity) of the thermostat temperatures to their specified targets.
1984 ILU iteration <ID> DTmax=<value> at <ID>
1985 Found <number> film cooling entities, affecting <number> elements.
1986 <string>
1987 The BICGSTAB method failed at iteration <ID> <string> Breakdown
1988 QSPECTRA band <integer> QDmax=<value> at <integer> Qmin=<value> Qmax=<value>
1989 QRADSOLVE QDmax=<value> at <integer> Qmin=<value> Qmax=<value>
1990 During this run fluid properties will be evaluated with Total Absolute temperatures when available.
1991 During this run fluid properties will be evaluated with Relative Total temperatures when available.
1992 During this run axial velocities are not available for all fluid elements in the model.
1993 Number of perfect contact conductances=<number>
1994 Temperature prediction TDmax = <value> at void ID <ID> element <ID>
1995 Energy balance convergence not reached
1997 ILU iteration <ID> Residual energy imbalance=<value> tol=<value>
1998 Number of FEM nodes = <number>

Number of FEM elements = <number>

Number of FEM faces = <number>

1999 Heat flow into FEM elements = <value>

Heat flow from FEM elements = <value>