5000 - 5999 warning messages

ID Message text and information
5000 Area or volume of element <ID> not defined, zero assumed.
5001 Entries in table <ID> were reordered into ascending order.
5002 Element <ID> has more than 4 nodes, unsuitable for nodal result output.
5003 At time <value> heat inputs are considered constant.
5004 Element referenced on follower conductance <ID> is not defined.
5005 Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 0, no radiative couplings created.
5006 Absolute temperature units are used, it may cause convergence problems.
5007 Starting time of transient run = <value> is not equal to any of the printout intervals specified on the initial temperature file. The temperatures at the closest printout interval, at time = <value> will be used as the starting temperatures.
5102 Radial heat flow for lumped mass element <ID> is ignored.
5103 Radial heat flow for beam element <ID> is ignored.
5104 Element <ID> has improper shape.
5105 Element <ID> is warped, warpage angle is <value> degrees.
5107 The model appears to be a restart but the articulation or orbital time steps do not align with the previous run.
5108 The following <number> elements are warped <list of elements IDs>.
5109 Multiple spin requests have been specified with different numbers of calculation positions. <number> positions will be used for all requests.
5110 Mixed-order hexahedron or wedge elements have been detected in the model. Those element types are not supported by the thermal solver. A linear version of those elements will be used instead.
5200 Read error on file <name> record is ignored. <string>.
5201 Element <ID> has an improper area defined. Incorrect view factor adjustments may be made.
5202 File <path/name> cannot be opened for some reason in routine opencp.
5203 File <name> cannot be opened for some reason in routine opencp, possibly because it is currently being accessed.
5204 File <name> cannot be deleted for some reason in routine opencp, possibly because it is currently being accessed.
5205 File <name> cannot be opened in routine opencp, possibly because it is currently being accessed by another application.
5206 User plugin <name> for expression functions registration could not be loaded.
5207 User plugin <name> for expression functions registration could not be initialized.
5208 Non-existent entity ID referenced as argument in function <name> for expression ID <ID>: <name> for BC or element selection group name: <name>.
5209 The coordinate value <value> is outside of range of the table <ID>. This table will use the "Constant" option for "Values Outside Table" in NX.
5210 The coordinate values <value> , <value> are outside Delaunay triangulation for the table <ID>. This table will use the "Constant" option for "Values Outside Table" in NX.
5211 The coordinate values <value> , <value> , <value> are outside Delaunay triangulation for the table <ID>. This table will use the "Constant" option for "Values Outside Table" in NX.
5212 The Delaunay triangulation used for the table <ID> has less than <value> points. Switching to the Nearest Neighbor interpolation.
5213 The number of spatial dimensions for the table <ID> is one. For Delaunay interpolation method, at least two spatial dimensions must be provided. Switching to the Linear interpolation. Results may differ from NX/Simcenter interpolation results.
5214 The number of spatial dimensions for the table <ID> is one. For Delaunay interpolation method, at least two spatial dimensions must be provided. Switching to the Linear interpolation. Results may differ from NX/Simcenter interpolation results. The preferred method of data input is to use table of fields.
5215 The table <ID> used for Renka interpolation should have at least two spatial dimensions. Switching to the Linear interpolation. Results may differ from NX/Simcenter interpolation results.
5216 The table <ID> used for Renka interpolation should have at least two spatial dimensions. Switching to the Linear interpolation. Results may differ from NX/Simcenter interpolation results. The preferred method of data input is to use table of fields.
5217 The Renka interpolation method used for the table <ID> has less than <value> points. Switching to the Nearest Neighbor interpolation.
5218 The "Inverse Distance Weights Interpolation Method" specified for the table <ID> cannot find any nearest node. Please check table parameters such as radius, tolerance, numbers of nearest neighbor points.
5219 Unexpected run time condition <name> encountered in place <name>.
5220 Stream with ID <ID> and name <name> is a multi-body edge stream. To avoid visualization artifacts, split this stream.
5221 The inlet of a stream with ID <ID> and name <name> is connected to its outlet <name>.
5222 Stream with ID <ID> and name <name> is a <name> auto connected circular stream. This is not supported.
5223 A stream with ID <ID> and name <name> is an auto <name> and connected to a non-auto circular stream with ID <ID> and name <name>. This is not supported.
5224 The following stream(s) with automatically determined mass flow create(s) an underdefined cluster configuration, which includes <value> auto-connected stream(s), <value> stream(s) with defined mass flow and <value> mass flow junction(s). This configuration creates a system of <value> equation(s) and <value> unknown(s): MASS FLOW STREAM ID STREAM NAME.
5225 The following stream(s) with automatically determined mass flow create(s) an overdefined cluster configuration, which includes <value> auto-connected stream(s), <value> stream(s) with defined mass flow and <value> mass flow junction(s). This configuration creates a system of <value> equation(s) and <value> unknown(s): MASS FLOW STREAM ID STREAM NAME.
5226 There are streams that are farther to a junction than the shortest stream of that junction. For a list of these streams please see the [Solution_name]_report.log file.
5227 The outlet node for stream with ID <ID> and name <name> could not be found.
5228 The inlet node for side <name> of stream with ID <ID> and name <name> could not be found.
5229 Unknown stream side: <name> for stream ID <ID> and name <name>.
5230 The Akima interpolation method used for table <ID> requires a minimum of 3 entries. Switching to Linear interpolation method.
5231 The Akima interpolation method used for table <ID> requires a minimum of 3 entries. Switching to Nearest Neighbor interpolation method.
5300 The first record on file TEMPF is not a time record.
5701 There are missing element options for element <ID>.
5702 Missing element geometry for element <ID>.
5703 Conductance number <integer> not found for element <ID>.
5704 Unable to perform preconditioning on element <ID>.
5705 Invalid conductance formulation type, using default type.
5707 No conductive path because of door hinge-type connection between the following elements. This typically happens when a shell is not connected along all its edges to a solid element. <list of elements IDs>.
5709 The RE parameter for element <ID> is null.
5710 The sum of the CG to local boundary conductances for element <ID> is null.
5711 Cannot calculate conductances for element <ID>.
5712 Element type not valid for element <ID>.
5713 The following elements have the same nodes: <list of elements IDs>
5714 The area of element <ID> is zero.
5715 The volume of element <ID> is zero.
5716 Error inverting formulation matrix for element <ID>.
5717 Unable to perform global conditioning for boundary element <ID>.
5718 Unable to find conductance data for internal element <ID>.
5719 Unable to find material table for internal element <ID>.
5720 Number of elements connected to a boundary element exceeds limits.
5721 Unable to perform global conditioning for internal element <ID>.
5722 Number of boundary element conductances exceeds limits.
5723 Unable to find conductance data for boundary element <ID>.
5724 Number of conductances for one boundary element exceeds limits.
5725 Unable to perform global conditioning.
5726 Number of element conductances exceeds limits.
5727 External element label <ID> in group list not found.
5728 Invalid preconditioning type.
5729 Invalid global conditioning type.
5730 Interface element <ID> is not on the boundary of any other element.
5731 Element <ID> will be selected as boundary.
5732 Boundary element label <ID> has been created, continuing at label 1.
5733 The following <ID> elements have no conductive paths between them because of a flagpole-type connection. This typically happens when a beam is connected at one end only to a shell or solid element, or at both ends to the edge of a solid element. A complete element list appears on file groups.unv with the group name: <name>: <list of elements IDs>
5734 The following <ID> elements have no conductive paths between them because of hinge-type connections. This typically happens when a shell is connected along a single edge to a solid element. A complete element list appears on file groups.unv with the group name: <name> <list of elements IDs>
5735 Interface in middle of geometry. Splitting of geometry will be skipped.
5736 Interface not duplicated if fluid elements are present.
5901 Unable to access universal file.
5902 Unable to write to universal file.
5903 Unable to access file TEMPF or GTEMPF.
5904 Unable to access file VUFF.
5905 Unable to access file MODLF or MODLCF.
5910 Unable to recover boundary element temperature for element <ID>.
5911 Unable to recover boundary element heat flux for element <ID>.
5915 Unable to calculate data for node <ID>.
5920 Temperature calculations may be incorrect due to the above errors.
5921 Heat flux calculations may be incorrect due to the above errors.
5922 Temperature gradient calculations may be incorrect due to above errors.
5930 Unable to calculate temperature for element <ID>.
5931 Unable to calculate temperature for node <ID>.
5932 Unable to calculate heat flux for element <ID>.
5933 Unable to calculate temperature gradient for element <ID>.
5934 Unable to calculate temperature gradient for node <ID>.
5935 Unable to calculate heat balance for element <ID>.
5936 Unable to calculate velocity for element <ID>.
5937 Unable to calculate velocity for node <ID>.
5938 Unable to calculate Reynolds number for element <ID>.
5939 Unable to calculate Reynolds number for node <ID>.
5940 Unable to calculate pressure for element <ID>.
5941 Unable to calculate pressure for node <ID>.
5942 Unable to calculate heat transfer coefficient for element <ID>.
5943 Interpolation falls outside limits of table, using lower or upper bound.
5944 Unable to create connectivity model grid for element <ID>.
5945 Unable to create connectivity model for element <ID>.
5946 Unable to calculate mass flow for element <ID>.
5947 Unable to calculate mass flow for node <ID>.
5948 Unable to write view factor sum for element <ID>.
5950 Heat flux calculations not supported with the element center method.
5951 Temperature gradient calculations are not supported with the element center method.
5952 The number of time steps limit is exceeded for orbital heat flux output.
5953 Number of time steps limit is exceeded for orbital view factor output.
5954 Least-squares interpolation did not converge. Nodal values may be inaccurate.
5955 A total of <value> elements and boundary elements is attached to node <ID>. A maximum of <value> may be processed. The interpolated quantities at this node may be inaccurate.
5956 Unable to calculate fluid network results for node <ID>.
5957 Unable to calculate fluid network results for element <ID>.
5958 Node temperature gradients are not calculated for this release.
5959 Node heat fluxes are not calculated for this release.
5960 Heat fluxes are not calculated for orthotropic elements.
5961 Unable to access file tmgrslt.dat. Some requested results may not be available.
5962 Run failed or completed with some errors. Some requested results may be inaccurate or unavailable.
5963 ShipIR output is requested for time <value>, that does not correspond to a TMG printout time. Specify a time value that matches a printout time.
5964 The following <value> pairs of elements have the same nodes. A complete list appears in file groups.unv with the name: <name> (<ID1>,<ID2>)
5965 There was a change of number of nodes for convection coefficients results. Results might be inaccurate.