3000 - 3999 information messages

ID Message text and information
3001 Writing Temperature data on Elements to tmgtempe.unv...
3002 Writing Temperature data on Nodes to tmgtempn.unv...
3003 Writing Heat Flow Density data on Elements to tmghtfe.unv...
3004 Writing Heat Flow Density data on Nodes to tmghtfn.unv...
3005 Writing Temperature Gradient data on Elements to tmggrade.unv...
3006 Writing Temperature Gradient data on Nodes to tmggradn.unv...
3007 Writing Heat Imbalance data on Elements to tmghbal.unv...
3008 Writing Velocity data on Elements to tmgvele.unv...
3009 Writing Velocity data on Nodes to tmgveln.unv...
3010 Writing Reynolds Number data on Elements to tmgrene.unv...
3011 Writing Reynolds Number data on Nodes to tmgrenn.unv...
3012 Writing Total Pressure data on Elements to tmgprese.unv...
3013 Writing Total Pressure data on Nodes to tmgpresn.unv...
3014 Writing Mass Flow data on Elements to tmgmasse.unv...
3015 Writing Mass Flow data on Nodes to tmgmassn.unv...
3016 Writing Convection Coefficient data on Elements to tmghtc.unv...
3017 Writing View Factor Sum data on Elements to tmgvfsum.unv...
3018 Writing Orbital View Factor data on Elements to tmgorbvf.unv...
3019 Writing Absorbed Orbital Flux data on Elements to tmgabsf.unv...
3020 Writing Incident Orbital Flux data on Elements to tmgincf.unv...
3021 Writing Reflected Orbital Flux data on Elements to tmgreff.unv...
3022 Writing Total Orbital Flux data on Elements to tmgtotf.unv...
3023 Writing Connectivity Model to tmgconn.unv...
3024 Writing Displacement data on Nodes to tmgdisp.unv...
3025 Processing group reporting entities...
3026 ...done.
3027 Writing Reporter data to <name>
3028 Writing Phase Change Quality data on Elements to tmgquale.unv...
3029 Writing max and min temperature data on Elements to tmgtmaxe.unv...
3030 Writing Radiance data on Elements to tmgrade.unv...
3031 Writing Apparent Temperature data on Elements to tmgappte.unv...
3032 Writing Fluence data on Elements to tmgfluence.unv...
3033 Writing Solid Element Radiation flux data on elements to tmgsolflux.unv...
3034 Writing RC Product data on Elements to tmgrcprod.unv...
3035 Writing Radiative exchange data on Elements to tmgradf.unv...
3036 Writing duct fluid density data on Elements to tmgdense.unv...
3037 Writing duct fluid density data on Nodes to tmgdensn.unv...
3038 No thermal results to recover.
3039 Writing transverse gradient data on Elements to tmgtrvtgre.unv...
3040 Writing transverse gradient data on Nodes to tmgtrvtgrn.unv...
3041 <ID> or <integer>
3042 Writing Environmental View Factor data on Elements to tmgvfenv.unv...
3043 Writing Temperature Error Estimates on Elements to tmgerrmaxe.unv...
3044 Writing Temperature Error Estimates on Nodes to tmgerrmaxn.unv...
3045 Writing Swirl velocities on Elements tmgswirlvele.unv...
3046 Writing Convective heat flux data on Elements to tmgconvflux.unv...
3047 Writing Convective heat flux data on Nodes to tmgconvflux.unv...
3048 Writing wall velocities to tmgwallvel.unv...
3049 Writing Corrected Convection Coeff on Elements to tmgcrhtc.unv...
3050 Writing Corrected Convection Coeff on Nodes to tmgcrhtc.unv...
3051 Writing Coupling Area on Elements to tmgcouplingarea.unv...
3052 Writing Coupling Area on Nodes to tmgcouplingarea.unv...
3053 Writing Convective Thickness on Elements to tmgconvthick.unv...
3054 Writing Convective Thickness on Nodes to tmgconvthick.unv...
3055 Writing Convective Area Factor on Elements to tmgconvfactor.unv...
3056 Writing Convective Area Factor on Nodes to tmgconvfactor.unv...
3057 Writing Temperature on Protective Layers to tmgprotempe.unv...
3058 Writing Heat load from ducts on 3D Elements to tmgheatduct.unv...
3059 Writing Immersed ducts HTC on Elements to tmghtcduct.unv...
3060 Writing Immersed ducts Solid Temperature on Elements to tmgsoltempcduct.unv...
3061 Writing Stream Flow Direction on Elements to tmgflowdir.unv...
3062 Writing Mass Flow Direction data on Elements to tmgmassdire.unv...
3063 Writing Immersed ducts Convective Heat Flux on Elements to tmghtfduct.unv...
3097 Creating intermediate results file for Time=<value>s: <name>
3099 Creating intermediate results file: <name>
3101 Starting TMG Analysis...
3102 Performing data checking...
3103 Calculating geometrical parameters...
3104 Calculating conductive conductances and capacitances...
3105 Calculating thermal couplings and geometric radiative parameters...
3106 Calculating radiative couplings and/or gray body matrices...
3107 Calculating radiative heat loads...
3108 Performing element merging and elimination...
3109 Performing Analyzer data preprocessing...
3110 Calculating temperatures...
3111 Performing result postprocessing...
3112 Performing thermal model validation...
3113 Performing model parametrization analysis...
3114 Performing model reformatting for other solvers...
3115 ...done.
3116 Performing temperature interpolation...
3117 Performing calculations for laser simulation...
3118 Performing fast view factor calculations...
3119 _#I MPI 1$
3120 _#I ALL 1$
3121 ** ERROR 3121 ** Stream with ID <ID> and name: <name> is defined with Relative Temperature Reference Frame option. With this option, it is invalid for Side A and Side B to be defined on components with different rotational speeds.
3122 Writing Mass Flow Junction Imbalance to tmgmfjuncimbalance.unv...
3123 ** The stream with ID <ID> and name: <name> is defined with the automatically determine mass flow option but it is not connected to any other streams. Therefore, its mass flow cannot be computed.
3124 ** A set of <integer> connected streams with IDs <ID> are defined with the automatically determine mass flow option but they are not connected to any streams that have a defined mass flow. Therefore, their mass flow cannot be computed.
3125 ** The stream with ID <ID> and name: <name> is defined with the automatically determine inlet temperature option and the automatically determine reverse inlet temperature option but it is not connected to any other stream. Therefore, neither its inlet temperature nor its reverse inlet temperature can be computed.
3126 ** <name>
3127 ** The stream with ID <ID> and name: <name> is defined with a specified mass flow but the automatically determine reverse mass flow option is also defined. This case is not supported by the solver.
3128 ** The stream with ID <ID> and name: <name> is defined with the automatically determine inlet temperature option but neither its inlet is connected to any other stream nor flow reversal is specified. Therefore, its inlet temperature cannot be computed.
3129 This was caused by a user-specified junction with ID <ID> and name <name>
3130 Stream with ID <ID> and name <name> is a circular stream.
3131 <name> <ID> <name>
3132 Performing view factor calculations on GPU...
3133 Writing thermal connections to tmgthermalconnections.unv...
3134 Writing coupled area ratio to tmgcoupledarearatio.unv...
3135 Writing duct static pressure data on Elements to tmgstatprese.unv
3136 Writing duct static pressure data on Nodes to tmgstatpresn.unv
3137 Writing protective layer temperatures to tmgfemprotempnod.unv
3138 PARAM FEM is activating the Finite Element Method.
3139 A convective BC has been applied on a beam defined by the user. Thickness defined by the user will be used to evaluate the convective area.
3142 A convective BC has been applied on an beam defined by the user. Thickness defined by the user will be used to evaluate the convective area.
3400 Creating radiative SOURCE cards for laser signal and pump.
3401 Calculating initial heat loads from laser pump.
3402 Interfacing to structural analysis.
3403 Calculating index of refraction.
3404 Calculating laser signal strength and path lengths of rays.
3405 Iteration <integer> Total signal power <value> Residual <value>
3406 Total pump power: <value> Total heating: <value> Exiting signal power: <value>
3407 Exit beam convergence for outer LASER iteration <integer>: Position residual: <value> Direction residual: <value> Exiting signal power residual: <value> Path length residual: <value>
3408 User-subroutine laserser1.f for LASER module was detected. This routine will be compiled and linked into the LASER module for this analysis
3409 No user-subroutine for the LASER module was detected. A default physics model will be used which may not be representative of the physics of this analysis.
3410 LASER Module Iteration Control: Maximum number of Outer Iterations: <integer> Convergence criterion for position residual: <value> Convergence criterion for direction residual: <value> Convergence criterion for signal power residual: <value> Convergence criterion for path length residual: <value> Maximum number of inner iterations for signal power: <integer> Convergence criteria for inner power iterations: <value>
3411 For calculation of impermeability, the following elements have no material orientation vector and are considered to be isotropic:
3412 For calculation of impermeability, the following elements have material orientation vectors defined and are considered anisotropic:
3413 <ID>
3414 Total fluorescent power= <value> absorbed into group TOPABFL = <value> absorbed into group BOTABFL = <value> lost = <value>
3500 ...Radiation request No. <integer> is finished. Number of view factors written to VUFF =<ID>
3501 Number of view factors written to VUFF =<ID> ...done.
3502 _#I HEMIVIEW 2 <integer>$
3503 Processing radiation request <integer>
3504 Process <integer> performed <value> percent of the total calculations.
3505 Summary of workload partition in the parallel run:
3600 .... Table too long to display. Only the first <integer> table entries are shown.
3601 Conjugate-Gradient solver successfully converged after <integer> iterations. Residual=<value>, target residual=<value>, matrix fill=<integer>.
3602 After <integer> iterations the Conjugate-Gradient solver did not converge. Residual=<value>, target residual=<value>, matrix fill=<integer>. The solution is restarting with matrix fill=<integer>, iteration limit=<integer>.
3603 Info: Next coupling time has been modified from <value> to <value> due to time adaptivity.
3604 Reshaping the matrix and resetting the fill value to improve the convergence...
3605 The responsible element with ID <ID> is <name>. The maximum enthalpy is contributed by heatflow from element <ID> connected by conductance RR(<ID>)=<value> of type <ID>. <name>
3606 The responsible row <ID> in the matrix correspond to a FEM solution point which has the external ID of <ID>
3607 The responsible row <ID> in the matrix correspond to the FEM non-geometric element of the thermal void BC with ID: <ID>
3608 The responsible row <ID> in the matrix correspond to a FEM Robin boundary condition.
3609 ** .. success
3610 The maximum temperature change parameter of convergence criterion has been updated from Solution Control to <value>
3611 The Conjugate gradient solver Convergence Criterion has been updated from Solution Control to <value>
3612 **** DESIGN CYCLE <integer> **** The objective function for the current correlation step is <value>
3613 **** DESIGN CYCLE <integer> **** The average temperature for target locations is <value>
3614 **** DESIGN CYCLE <integer> **** For design Variable <name> with a step length of <value> The gradient value is <value> and the value of the design variable is <value>
3615 **** DESIGN CYCLE <integer> **** New design cycle
3616 **** DESIGN CYCLE <integer> **** The value of design variable <name> is <value>
3618 ILU iteration <integer> Residual=<value>
3619 ILU iteration <integer> DTmax=<value> at <ID>
3620 ILU iteration <integer> Residual energy imbalance=<value> tol=<value>
3621 Total electrical power dissipation =<value>
3622 Temperature prediction TDmax = <value> at void ID <ID> element <ID>
3623 Energy balance convergence not reached
3624 <integer> <value> <ID> <value> <ID> <value> <ID> <value> <value>
3625 Iter Tmax At Tmin At TDmax At T(TDmax) Time
3626 Energy balance convergence not reached
3627 Hyd iter <integer> PDmax=<value> Pmax=<value> Pmin=<value> Massdif=<value>
3628 Clipping at hyd. res. <ID> Value=<value> Bet. elements <ID> <ID>
3629 The BICGSTAB method failed at iteration <integer> <name> Breakdown.
3630 The responsible element with ID <ID> is <name>. The maximum enthalpy is contributed by heatflow from element <ID> connected by conductance RR(<ID>)=<value> of type <ID>. <name>
3631 The responsible row <ID> in the matrix correspond to a FEM solution point which has the external ID of <ID>
3632 The responsible row <ID> in the matrix correspond to the FEM non-geometric element of the thermal void BC with ID: <ID>
3633 The responsible row <ID> in the matrix correspond to a FEM Robin boundary condition.
3634 Thermal Correlation Summary: ------------------------------------------------
3635 Final objective function <value> Number of design cycles <integer> ------------------------------------------------ DESIGN VARIABLE NAME VALUE ------------------------------------------------
3636 <name> <value>
3637 ------------------------------------------------
3638 Thermal correlation convergence criterion is time varying. The objective function cannot be computed as cumulative in time, as requested. Instead, the convergence will be checked at every correlation time.
3639 Final objective function at
3640 Number of design cycles <integer> ------------------------------------------------ DESIGN VARIABLE NAME VALUE ------------------------------------------------
3641 t = <value> <value>
3642 ** ERROR 3642 ** There are inconsistencies in parallel run domain decomposition setup on domain <ID>. The code for inconsistency type is <ID>.
3643 Note: The integrated parallel GMRES solver (SMS) is used as the linear solver for this simulation. L2 is used as the convergence norm with a convergence criterion value specified in the xml input file / UI of <value>. The preconditioner matrix fill value is set to <integer>.
3644 State-space matrix files were extracted at time <value> Matrices and load were linearized between time <value> and time <value>
3700 Domain decomposition using <name> with <integer> CPUs...
3701 ...done.
3702 Writing Paraview output for DOMDEC: CPU = <integer>
3703 DOMDEC: Transferring tmg49 files to the main directory
3704 DOMDEC: Elapsed time in gathering tmg49 files <value> sec
3705 DOMDEC: Transferring solve result files to the main directory
3706 DOMDEC: Transferring heat flux data to the main MODLF file
3707 DOMDEC: Transferring VF sum data to the main tmggeom.dat file
3708 DOMDEC: Transferring VF sum data to the main tmgrslt.dat file
3709 DOMDEC: Elapsed time in gathering solve results files <value> sec
3710 DOMDEC: Multi-host configuration found.
3711 DOMDEC: Copying <name> to cpu-specific folders.
3712 DOMDEC: Copying <name> to primary cpus of each host.
3750 A translation of the source model, based on MAP1 points, will be applied in order to align the models.
3751 The 2D solid options of the source and target models are different. A rotation will be applied in order to align the models.
3752 The source model does not have a 2D solid option. However, it has an active global cyclic CSYS, which will be used to align the models.
3754 <ID>
3755 The source and target will be aligned using the Source Model Mapping simulation object.
3756 The source and target will be aligned using the 2D solid options.
3757 A translation of the source model, based on Source Model Mapping simulation object, will be applied in order to align the models.