9000 - 9999 fatal messages
ID | Message text and information |
9001 | More than 100000 element groups in model. |
9002 | LU Decomposition failure. |
9003 | An element label exceeds 10000, and the model is axisymmetric. |
9004 | The axisymmetric element <ID> does not lie in the <name> plane. |
9005 | Interpolation relationships which reference material properties must have a table multipliers equal to 1. Please check interpolation table <ID>. |
9006 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Insufficient array data in array <ID>. |
9007 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Inconsistent X values in array <ID>. |
9008 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Inconsistent Y values in array <ID>. |
9009 | Error in TMG input file INPF: ARRAYTYPE card must appear before ARRAYDATA Card. |
9010 | Error encountered during element deletion. |
9011 | Card 2a KSP parameter= <integer> which is not the space element number.Change it to space element number <integer>. |
9012 | You have multilayer shells present and you are performing a restart run with old data on file MODLF. This combination is not permitted. You can restart with multilayer shells only with old data on file VUFF. |
9013 | In material <ID>, <name> was set while <name> is zero. This is not permitted. If one is non-zero, the other must be non-zero as well. If necessary, set it to a small value. |
9014 | Axisymmetric model with articulation and radiation is not allowed. |
9015 | Table-dependent specific heat above the phase change temperature was defined for material <ID>. This is not allowed. This functionality can be achieved by specifying a table-dependent specific heat. |
9016 | Explicit Earth with an axisymmetric model is not supported. |
9017 | For material <ID> on the element's <name> side in the <name> spectrum the sum of <name> +transparency+specular reflectivity is > 1.0. |
9018 | One of the fields on a VFMERGE Card must be a group name. |
9019 | A temperature or heat flux nodal boundary condition was specified in conjunction with a non-zero solar or IR spectrum extinction coefficient in the model. This is not permitted. Please change the boundary condition to another type or set the extinction coefficient value to zero. |
9020 | A negative TIME value is specified on a Card 6 Request Card - this is not permitted. |
9021 | A negative PSUN or PIR value is specified on a Card 6 Request Card when the TIME Value is not CONSTANT - this is not permitted. |
9022 | The front sides of elements associated with material <ID> are specified with null emissivity, while the reverse sides have a finite emissivity value. This is not permitted for axisymmetric models. Please reverse the order of the emissivities and the orientations of the elements. |
9023 | Free convection thermal couplings are present in the model, but there is no AMBIENT element defined. To create an AMBIENT element, create one or more fluid elements. |
9024 | <name> is > 1 for <name> property <ID>. |
9025 | More than 97 stacked elements are specified on element physical property <ID> this is not allowed. |
9026 | You are specifying the file not in your current directory: <name> with an absolute address, since its name starts with a / (slash) character. This is not permitted on Windows platforms. If a file is in a directory different from your current directory, you must specify its name with a relative address, i.e. relative to your current directory, and its name must then start with the double dot and a slash (../). As an example, if the file TEMPF is in the directory restartdir adjacent to your current directory, you must specify it as ../restartdir/TEMPF. |
9027 | Improper physical properties are specified for layer <ID> of' the non-homogeneous multilayer elements whose top layer has physical property ID <ID>. The improper physical property ID is <ID>. A layer's physical property must be defined for a shells and may not specify a multilayer element. |
9028 | Inconsistent units specified on PARAM UNITS Cards. |
9029 | No files present in restart directory <name>. |
9030 | File <name> could not be opened with the form=binary option. However, this could not be done, because the file was created with the form=unformatted option. |
9031 | The Analyzer is being run, a SINDA or ESATAN model is requested, there are solid elements in the model, and the default capacitance redistribution option is ON. This combination is not permitted, since the TMG model is not compatible with the ESATAN or SINDA models, which require that the capacitances of solid elements not be redistributed to the boundary elements. To permit this run to continue, please turn on the Do Not Redistribute Capacitances flag, or do not request the calculation of temperatures. |
9032 | VARIABLE <name> is not defined with a VARIABLE Card. |
9033 | The final time is less than start time. |
9034 | Improper initial temperature value of <value> specified, below absolute zero of <value>. |
9035 | Negative capacitance value is specified on XCAP Card for element <ID>. |
9036 | Improper negative Stefan-Boltzmann's Constant is specified. |
9037 | <name> value is improperly defined to be negative for material <ID>. |
9038 | At node <ID> duplicate elements <ID> and <ID> are defined, and one of them is a hydraulic element. This is not permitted. |
9039 | Solar spectrum data file <name> does not exist. |
9040 | <name> with ID 0 is present in the model. This is not permitted. Please use a non-zero ID. |
9041 | <name> with ID 0 for element <ID> is present in the model. This is not permitted. Please use a non-zero ID. |
9042 | The independent variable on table <ID> is WAVELENGTH. However, the run is not a multispectral run. This is not permitted. |
9043 | Orbit conflict. An orbit calculation point was defined at time <value>. However, on a previous orbit request orbit calculation points were defined at times <value> and <value>. It falls between two previously calculated time points and thus creates a potential conflict. Please make sure that if multiple orbit requests are present, the time points either coincide or the orbits do not overlap. |
9044 | The axisymmetric node <ID> does not lie in the axisymmetry plane. |
9045 | The following <integer> element(s) have been included in more than one AXISYMM card. This is not allowed. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>. |
9046 | The model has axisymmetric elements with extinction properties. This is not allowed. |
9047 | The radiative heating request from source elements belonging to group <name> is neither specified to occur in the solar bands only or in the IR bands only, or referencing a spectral distribution of intensity versus wavelength. This is not allowed. |
9048 | The radiative heating request from source elements belonging to group <name> references tables in both SOLAR and IR spectra. This is not allowed if PARAMS SPECTRA CARD is not specified. |
9049 | The radiative heating request from source elements belonging to group <name> uses the Monte Carlo method with the option of direct computation of radiative heat loads (rather than calculating view factors only). This is not supported for multispectral runs. |
9050 | There are elements appearing in multiple cyclic symmetry cards. For the list of these elements please see groups.unv file. The conflicting BC names are: <name>. |
9051 | Angle value must be positive or a fraction of 2*Pi. |
9052 | In solution step input for step <name> the end time value <value> is not greater than the previous step end time <value>. |
9053 | A single solution step is present and it is of transient type. Either at least one more solution step should be defined or the step type should be changed to steady state. |
9054 | Multiple solution steps are present with the heater sizing PARAM THERMOSTAT Q_EQUIV option active. This is not supported. |
9055 | Nodes of Rotational periodic element are too close to the axis. |
9056 | Inconsistent parameters for free molecular request <ID>. |
9057 | Two streams <ID> and <ID> are applied to the same edges/surfaces. |
9058 | Invalid dependent variable type for expression ID <ID>. |
9059 | Table <ID> has an entry with negative thermal conductivity. |
9060 | Convective BCs are applied on shared axisymmetric edges. This is not allowed. |
9061 | In solution step input for step <name>, <name> is not greater than zero. |
9062 | A single position for solar vector is specified for solar heating space while articulation is present in the model. Please specify a day segment that encompasses the articulation duration. |
9063 | When PARAM UPDATEOPTICAL is present, all optical properties have to be defined using the "Advanced Thermo-Optical Properties". The optical properties for ID <ID> are not defined properly. |
9064 | When PARAM UPDATEOPTICAL is present, emissivity and absorptivity have to be less than 0.99 and greater than 0.01. The optical properties for ID <ID> are not defined properly. |
9065 | Table <ID> has an entry with negative or zero Area or multiplication factor. |
9066 | Convective BCs are applied on an edge without area. This is not allowed. |
9067 | <name> BC <name> with ID number of <ID> has a negative HTC of <value>. Please ensure that proper HTC value is used. |
9068 | Temperature constraint BC <name> with ID number of <ID> uses multiple conflicting ways to specify temperature values. |
9069 | The Ducts/Streams Junction to 3D Flow simulation object <name> with ID number <ID> is not connected to any Duct and Stream. |
9070 | The Ducts/Streams Junction to 3D Flow simulation object <name> with ID number <ID> with the Pressure Transfer option is connected to more than one duct and stream. Only one connection is allowed if the pressure is not specified with the Pressure Transfer option. |
9071 | The Ducts/Streams Junction to 3D Flow simulation object <name> with ID number <ID> is connected to the following stream and duct label IDs that are not defined in the model: <name>. |
9072 | The Ducts/Streams Junction to 3D Flow simulation object <name> with ID number <ID> with flow direction set to outflow from fluid domain is connected to the following Stream IDs that are not defined in the model with automatically determined inlet temperature: <name>. |
9073 | Fluid duct elements can only participate in one Total Temperature Effects type of Duct Flow Boundary Conditions simulation object. The following fluid duct elements have been selected in multiple Total Temperature Effects: <name>. |
9074 | Table number <integer> contains no data. Please verify the boundary condition where the table is used. |
9075 | The following <integer> multilayer elements have shared nodes where the average of adjacent element normals is zero. This generally comes from conflicting normal orientation between adjacent elements. Please re-orient the elements. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>. |
9076 | The Convection Coupling: <name> has fluid duct elements that are part of a One-Sided or Two-Sided Rotational Total Temperature Effects selection where the Relative Temperature Reference Frame option is used. This configuration is not supported with the Adiabatic Wall Temperature for Heat Transfer Calculation option selected in the mentioned Convection Coupling. |
9077 | Consider flow rotation for stationary structures is ON for the Convection Coupling: <name>. The latter overlaps a Duct Flow Boundary Condition with a swirl input type set to Relative Temperature Difference.This is not supported. |
9078 | Enclosure radiation is applied on an edge between two plane stress elements. This is not allowed. |
9101 | Number of nodes exceeds limits. |
9102 | Number of elements exceeds limits. |
9103 | Number of nodes exceeds limits. |
9104 | External node number <ID> not found for element <ID>. Possible mismatch between PROP Card type and element type. |
9105 | Unable to sort nodes. |
9106 | Duplicate node numbe <ID> found. |
9107 | Unable to sort element definition table. |
9108 | Unable to sort element option table. |
9109 | Unable to sort element geometry table. |
9110 | Definition not found for element <ID>. |
9111 | Unable to sort existing element list. |
9112 | Number of material property Cards to be read exceeds limits. |
9113 | Number of physical property Cards to be read exceeds limits. |
9114 | Physical property Card out of limits for element <ID>. |
9115 | Number of boundary elements exceeds limit. |
9116 | Number of conductances exceeds limit. |
9117 | Error calculating element conductances. |
9118 | External node number <ID> not found. |
9119 | Number of group lists to be read exceeds limits. |
9120 | Number of element data to be read exceeds limits. |
9121 | Unable to access binary file. |
9122 | External element number <ID> not found. |
9123 | Number of calculation points to be created exceeds limits. Reduce the number of elements in the model or use the element center method. |
9124 | Internal element number <ID> out of limits. |
9125 | Internal boundary element number <ID> out of limits. |
9126 | Error writing conductances to MODLF file. |
9127 | Error writing data to binary file. |
9128 | Orthotropic material defined for element <ID> has improper directions. |
9129 | Expansion of axisymmetric element <ID> not allowed with the element CG method. |
9130 | Unable to open file INP2F. |
9131 | Error reading file INP2F. |
9132 | Internal node number <ID> out of limits. |
9143 | Unable to write element temperature coefficients for element <ID>. |
9144 | Duplicate element number <ID> found. |
9145 | For element <ID> the specified reverse side increment is <ID>. This conflicts with existing element number <ID>. |
9146 | Cannot use the density and the altitude dependent density heat flux method in the free molecular heating simulation object if an orbit is defined using sun/planet vectors. |
9147 | 4D table <ID> has tables with different independent variables. |
9148 | 4D table <ID> Can not have Element ID as independent variables. |
9149 | Cannot use length dependent density table <ID> in case of "Velocity and Density" heat flux method used in the free molecular heating simulation object. |
9301 | Unable to access file tmggeom.dat. |
9302 | Unable to access file tmg49.dat. |
9303 | Unable to access file tmgrslt.dat. |
9304 | Unable to access file TEMPF or GTEMPF. |
9310 | Unable to sort element definition table. |
9311 | Unable to sort midside element definition table. |
9312 | Duplicate element label <ID> found. |
9313 | Element label <ID> not found when reading boundary element list. |
9314 | Node or element label <ID> not found when reading node interpolation coefficients. |
9315 | Element label <ID> not found when reading boundary element data. |
9316 | Element label <ID> not found when reading boundary element connectivity list. |
9317 | Element label <ID> not found when reading merge and elimination list. |
9318 | Element label <ID> not found when reading conductance data. |
9319 | Unable to sort node temperature interpolation coefficients. |
9320 | Maximum number of node temperature interpolation coefficients reached. |
9321 | Maximum number of boundary elements in connectivity list reached. |
9322 | Maximum number of conductances exceeded. |
9323 | Maximum number of interpolation Cards exceeded. |
9324 | Maximum number of interpolation tables exceeded. |
9325 | Maximum number of interpolation data exceeded. |
9326 | Maximum number of group list reached. |
9330 | Element label <ID> not found on INTERP Card. |
9331 | Element label <ID> not found on RENUME Card. |
9332 | Node label <ID> not found on RENUMN Card. |
9333 | Unable to sort interpolation list. |
9334 | Unable to sort interpolation tables. |
9401 | For the stream <ID> with the name <nam> the overall normal of
the surface selection is parallel with the user specified direction.
Specify another direction or subdivide the surface. NORMAL: <value> <value> <value>. DIRECTION: <value> <value> <value>. |
9402 | Number of TSTREAMs created <integer> more than internal limit 9999. Cannot recreate groups to reference all TSTREAMs created. |
9403 | The overall normal of the surface has too small norm: <value>. Try to subdivide the face on smaller ones NORMAL: <value> <value <value>. |
9404 | The void region <ID> does not reference any void non-geometric element. |
9405 | The normal of the element <ID> is parallel to the direction of the
radial stream. Specify another direction for radial stream or subdivide
the surface. NORMAL: <value> <value> <value>. DIRECTION: <value> <value> <value>. |
9406 | The direction for the stream <ID> is undefined at the point<value> <value> <value>. |
9407 | Void region <ID> and void region <ID> belonging to thermal void load <ID> have different temperature reference frame types (absolute and relative). |
9408 | Error processing thermal stream <ID>. Please make sure the plane formed by the stream direction and the stream average normal passing through the stream CG intersects the stream selection. |
9409 | <string> |
9410 | Negative massflow of <value> for stream <ID> at time <value> is encountered, while no flow reversal is defined for the stream. |
9411 | The feature: <name> is not supported for Finite Element Method. Rerun your simulation with Finite Element Method disabled. |
9412 | The feature: <name> is not supported for conduction only Finite Element Method (PARAM FEMCOND). Rerun your simulation with the full Finite Element Method (PARAM FEM). |
9413 | The protective layers BC with the name:<name> is applied on plane stress elements. This is not supported. Please change your element types or remove protective layers. |
9414 | Cannot run Thermal Correlation feature. |
9415 | GPU View Factors and GPU Ray Tracing do not support axisymmetric, chocking or plane stress elements. Use another non-GPU radiation calculation method (Hemiview, Deterministic or Monte Carlo). |
9416 | An unexpected connection in the flow network was detected between elements <ID> and <ID> while applying rothalpy effects. |
9601 | Unable to access TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. Check file access privileges. |
9602 | Internal TMG error 9602. Error reading from TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. |
9603 | Error writing to TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. Check available disk space or file access privileges. |
9604 | Internal TMG error 9604. Error reading from TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. |
9605 | Internal TMG error 9605. Error writing to TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. |
9606 | Internal TMG error 9606. Error reading from TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. |
9607 | Internal TMG error 9607. Error writing to TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. |
9608 | TMG database file tmgmodel.dat is corrupted. Analysis must be performed from the beginning. |
9609 | TMG version is inconsistent with TMG database file tmgmodel.dat. Use TMG version <integer> revision <integer> to perform analysis. |
9611 | Number of nodes in model exceeds limit of <integer>. |
9612 | Number of elements in model exceeds limit of <integer>. |
9613 | Number of calculation points in model exceeds limit of <integer>. |
9614 | Number of mesh cards in model exceeds limit of<integer>. |
9615 | Number of solar requests in model exceeds limit of <integer>. |
9616 | Number of articulation definitions in model exceeds limit of <integer>. |
9617 | Number of spinning cards in model exceeds limit of <integer>. |
9618 | Number of vector definitions in model exceeds limit of <integer>. |
9621 | Duplicate articulation definition number <integer> found. |
9622 | Corresponding solar request missing for spinning definition. |
9623 | Start time > end time in an articulation parameter card. |
9624 | Limit of <integer> layers reached for shell element <ID>. |
9750 | HEMIVIEW works only with true color mode! Please reset your display mode to true color. |
9801 | LASERIN input for material number <ID> keyword <string> incorrect. Line: <name>. |
9802 | No refractive index input for material number <ID> found in file LASERIN. |
9803 | No piezo-optic input for material number <ID> found in file LASERIN. |
9804 | Error or premature end of file HeatFluxDensity.csv near line <name>. |
9805 | Error reading line <integer> of HeatFluxDensity.csv. |
9806 | Error reading X coordinates in file HeatFluxDensity.csv |
9807 | Error reading Y coordinate in file HeatFluxDensity.csv cell <name>. |
9808 | Error reading heat flux in file HeatFluxDensity.csv in cell containing <string>. |
9809 | Error : wrong version of FILES : MODLF or VUFF or tmggeom.dat. |
9900 | Invalid GPUId. Please check the validity of GPUId in Parallel Configuration File. |
9901 | Device <ID> is not available or not supported. Please check the validity of GPUId in Parallel Configuration File. |
9902 | The following <integer> element(s) are not supported in emitter group <ID>. |
9903 | The following <integer> element(s) are not supported in receiver group <ID>. |
9904 | Radiation request type <integer> is not supported on GPU. |
9905 | Radiative heating request type <integer> is not supported on GPU. |
9906 | Solar heating request type <integer> is not supported on GPU. |
9950 | Number of FE nodes for partitioning is less than the number of domains. Please enable less than <integer> processes in parallel. |
9951 | Number of elements for partitioning is less than the number of domains. Please enable less than <integer> processes in parallel. |