6000 - 6999 warning messages
ID | Message text and information |
6000 | Adjusting radiative conductances proportionally (KSP=1000000) is an
obsolete option. Please use weighted distribution (KSP=3000000). User information:
6001 | Binary file compatibility between platforms option could not be exercised because file <name> already exists in an incompatible format. |
6002 | Number of machines available for the parallel run of <type> is <number> which is less than <integer>, the number of machines listed in the given machine file. Note that only those machines that are available will be used in the parallel run. |
6003 | PARAM DOMDEC/RADDOMDEC option for domain decomposition of radiative model solves is currently not supported for coupled solves, laser analysis, spinning, articulation, or with user1 subroutines. The run will proceed with PARAM DOMDEC/RADDOMDEC setting ignored. |
6004 | PARAMS to run in parallel are specified for coupled thermal-flow runs. Those params will be ignored. For coupled thermal-flow runs the parameters will be taken from "Parallel Configuration File.xml". |
6005 | One of the parallel parameters was specified in "Parallel Configuration File.xml" for thermal only run. Params from the file will take precedence over any parallel params specified in INPF. |
6006 | One of the parallel parameters was specified in INPF for thermal only runs but "Parallel Configuration File.xml" wasn’t provided. Run will be performed in serial. |
6007 | Parallel thermal solver option is not supported for thermal-flow coupled runs with the serial flow solver or when PARAM UPDATEOPTICAL is present. The thermal solve will be performed in serial. |
6008 | Parallel thermal solver option is not supported in coupled thermal-flow simulations. The thermal solve will be performed in serial. |
6009 | Parallel thermal solver option is not supported when PARAM REDUCE is present. The thermal solve will be performed in serial. |
6010 | Warning: Negative number of rays in GPARAM 0 66 N. Default value of 15000 rays per element is used. |
6011 | Warning: Parallel Configuration file not present or View Factors GPU option is not activated when NUM_GPU_RAYS_PROTO is used. Using default graphic card. |
6012 | Warning: SMS linear solver is specified but is not supported for a serial thermal solve. Default linear solver will be used instead. |
6101 | Node label <ID> not found for temperature restraint boundary condition. |
6102 | Element label <ID> not found for heat flux boundary condition. |
6103 | Element label <ID> not found for convection boundary condition. |
6104 | Element label <ID> not found for radiation boundary condition. |
6105 | Element label <ID> not found for heat generation boundary condition. |
6106 | Interpolation table number <integer> not found for temperature restraint boundary condition. |
6107 | Interpolation table number <number> not found for heat flux boundary condition. |
6108 | Interpolation table number <number> not found for convection boundary condition. |
6109 | Interpolation table number <number> not found for radiation boundary condition. |
6110 | Interpolation table number <number> not found for heat generation boundary condition. |
6111 | Invalid interpolation table number <number> specified for temperature restraint boundary condition. |
6112 | Invalid interpolation table number <number> specified for heat flux boundary condition. |
6113 | Invalid interpolation table number <number> specified for convection boundary condition. |
6114 | Invalid interpolation table number <number> specified for radiation boundary condition. |
6115 | Invalid interpolation table number <number> specified for heat generation boundary condition. |
6116 | Nodal temperature restraint superseded by temperature boundary condition on element <ID>. |
6117 | Node label <ID> not found for heat source boundary condition. |
6118 | Interpolation table number <number> not found for heat source boundary condition. |
6119 | Invalid interpolation table number <number> specified for heat source boundary condition. |
6120 | Heat source boundary condition on free node label <ID> is ignored. |
6121 | Nodal temperature restraint type for node label <ID> is not supported. |
6122 | No axisymmetric profile element found. |
6123 | No MAT Card 1 found, results may be incorrect. |
6124 | TMG model file tmgmodel.dat is being used. Restart analysis cannot be performed. |
6125 | A restart run is being performed, but either file tmggeom.dat or MODLF is missing and should be present. |
6126 | Transparent or specular surfaces are present and radiative heat flux
calculations are requested with Gebhardt's Method. Results are likely to
be in error. Use Oppenheim's Method instead. User information: For radiative heat flux calculation, Oppenheim's method is the default method, you can run with Gebhardt's method using the RADIATIVE CONDUCTANCE METHOD advanced parameter. |
6127 | IR spectrum transparencies are present. View factor calculations should be performed with the ray-tracing option. |
6128 | The following <number> elements have boundary conditions or thermal couplings defined on faces or edges that are not free. A complete list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>: <list of element IDs>. |
6129 | The following <number> elements have radiative thermal couplings or radiative boundary conditions specified, on a free face, but they do not have an emissivity specified. A complete list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <type>:<list of element IDs>. |
6130 | The following <number> orthotropic elements have KXX/KZZ or KYY/KZZ ratios greater than <value>. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>: <list of element IDs>. |
6131 | Angle dependent emissivity is defined in the model. The Monte Carlo HTFRAD calculation method must be activated for such properties to be correctly accounted for. Check your radiation request simulation objects. |
6132 | Angle dependent absorptivity is defined in the model. The Monte Carlo HTFRAD calculation method must be activated for such properties to be correctly accounted for. Check your solar, orbit and radiative heating simulation objects. |
6133 | You are performing a restart from a previous set of temperatures, and you have multilayer shells present. It is possible that some of the layers have been relabeled and your initial temperatures are thus invalid. You can avoid this by ensuring that in your restart only the temperature or heat load boundary conditions have changed. |
6134 | Some elements' nodes have -ve <type> coordinates. For radiation analysis these elements are expanded into 3D by rotating them about the <type> axis. The normals of the expanded elements will point in the opposite direction from identical elements in the +<type> half-plane, because normals are calculated by taking the cross product of the <type> axis with the first edge direction. |
6135 | Oppenheim's Method is used and series radiative conductances are specified. This may not work. A series radiative conductance is only effective if another radiative conductance also exists between the specified elements. If it does not, it will be ignored. |
6136 | The following <number> nodes are connected to both hydraulic and non-hydraulic elements. This is not permitted. A complete list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>: <list of element IDs>. |
6137 | The following <number> radiative source elements in radiative source requests have improper radiative surface properties defined. A complete list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>: <list of element IDs>. |
6138 | The following <number> receiving elements in radiative source requests have improper radiative surface properties defined. A complete list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>: <list of element IDs>. |
6139 | Request results set <type> is not yet supported with new post-processing. This result set will not be written to the results file. To see all results the model must be run with the advanced option FE POST-PROCESSING LIBRARY set to RSLTPOST (0). |
6140 | Some elements had different transmissivities on their front and reverse side optical properties. The front transmissivity is considered for both sides. Advanced parameter GPARAM 1 178 1 overrides this setting. |
6141 | The projected point of the surface CG in the overall surface normal direction falls outside the closest central element. Projection point is taken as the center of the central element. |
6142 | The specified inlet element <ID> for the stream <integer> is not an inlet. It is not possible to start stream from the element indicated. The direction of the stream is chosen arbitrarily. Choose proper inlet element from which the stream starts. |
6143 | The AREA card from INPF line <integer> contains convection coupling with the negative coefficient or the table in field 7. There is a possibility of wrong results. |
6144 | The selection of following boundary conditions are overlapping: <name>, <name>. |
6145 | There is a conflict between a global rotation load and other rotation loads in the model. <type>. |
6146 | Several radiative thermal rotational periodicity requests without specified solid body present in the model. The minimum number of <number> instances will be used for all of these requests. |
6147 | Advanced option FE POST-PROCESSING LIBRARY is set to FE POST (1) but it is only supported with the Finite Element Method. RSLTPOST (0) option will be used. |
6148 | Some elements, such as 0D lump mass, 1D beams, 2D shells with zero thickness, are not supported with new post-processing. Results on those elements and related nodes might not be outputted. To see all results, the model must be run with the advanced option FE POST-PROCESSING LIBRARY set to RSLTPOST (0). |
6149 | Request results set <type> is not yet supported with the Finite Element Method in the Thermal Solver. This result set will not be written to the results file. To see all results the model must be run with the Element CG Method. |
6150 | All elements are considered to be illuminated when using GPU ray tracing to calculate radiative heating requests. |
6151 | Some elements are part of the selection for cyclic symmetry BCs as well as a radiation request. Periodic faces cannot radiate because they are part of the solid model when considering the complete rotated model. These elements will be used for conduction only. The list of conflicting cyclic symmetry BCs is as follows: |
6152 | Requests with zero rays are ignored for GPU ray tracing and GPU view factor methods. |
6200 | The closest element <ID> to the named point <name> is a hydraulic element. Return the default value for the function. |
6201 | At time = <value> the maximum temperature change of <value> at element <ID> exceeds more than twice the maximum allowable value of <value>. It is not possible to reduce time integration step as minimum timestep <value> is already reached. |
6202 | At time = <value> the maximum error estimate of <value> at element <ID> exceeds more than twice the maximum allowable value of <value>. It is not possible to reduce time integration step as minimum timestep <value> is already reached. |
6203 | At time = <value> the maximum error estimate of <value> at element <ID> exceeds more than twice the maximum allowable value of <value>. It is not possible to reduce time integration step as twice minimum timestep <value> was used for the start of the ramp. |
6204 | The minimum time step (specified in CARD 2B) <value> does not coincide with the minimum time step (specified in PARAM AUTODELTAT) <value>. Minimum time step is set to the time step specified with PARAM AUTODELTAT. |
6205 | The error estimates were all set to 0 because some of the calculated temperatures exceed the maximum allowable value. |
6206 | The temperature <value> K of the void ID <ID> is extreme. This void won't be taken into the account for convergence. Overall results might be incorrect. |
6211 | Groups <name> and <name> have close average temperatures of <value> and <value>, respectively. This may lead to a high conductance in the reduced model. Make sure you select representative groups for your model reduction. |
6212 | Element Add-Remove Simulation Object <type> has <type> Delta Time larger than the remaining time in the solution step. The solver will take the delta time as the remaining time to the next solution step. |
6213 | Error estimates were requested for unsupported element type(s). These elements will have a zero value error estimate reported on. |
6214 | UGII_USER_PLUGIN_DIR environment variable is present. Trying to load the following plugin: <name>. |
6215 | The function <name> cannot be evaluated because no outlet element was found in <name>. Duct Label ID <name> selection. |
6216 | Duct with mass flow is defined but duct diameter is needed. HTC will be set to zero. |
6217 | Inconsistent rotational loads while using PWR function: the stream <integer> has <name> while the void <integer> has <name>. |
6218 | Gradient normalization is not supported for fixed step length. Normalization has been deactivated. |
6219 | Intermediate results are not available when periodic convergence is enabled. |
6400 | The following elements have been flagged as non-shadowing. However, all elements in a hemicube view factor request are automatically checked for shadowing. <list of IDs> |
6401 | Hemicube method cannot be used with ray tracing. |
6402 | Hemicube method cannot be used with axisymmetric elements. |
6403 | Hemicube method cannot be used with articulation. |
6404 | Error criterion will be ignored for view factor calculation with hemicube method. |
6405 | Inactive faces seen by other elements are found in <number>
radiation request(s). Affected elements are contained in group(s)
InactiveRevSide_# in file groups.unv. User information: This warning appears because the elements in the specified group lack defined optical properties on their back faces. During the radiation calculation, the back faces of these elements were involved in the radiation exchange process. This involvement can lead to a partial loss of radiation fluxes. To avoid this unintended behavior, ensure that you define optical properties on the back faces of the elements as well. |
6406 | Hemiview window had been completely or partially obscured. View factor calculation result may not be reliable. |
6407 | Inactive faces seen by other elements are found in <number> radiation request(s). Affected elements are reported in the [Solution_name]_report.log file and group(s) InactiveRevSide_# in file groups.unv for each request. |
6500 | Maximum number of iterations reached without fulfilling convergence criteria on signal ray power iteration. |
6501 | Maximum number of iterations reached without fulfilling convergence criteria on outer iterations. |
6502 | LASERIN input file, line <name> is not recognized. |
6503 | For the <integer> the signal ray, the X-axis in the ray coordinate system is not perpendicular to the ray direction (which is the Z-axis). |
6504 | For the <integer>the signal ray, the X-axis in the ray coordinate system is incorrectly defined. |
6505 | The wavelength of the signal beam is not defined. Use GPARAM 4 274 <Wavelength>. |
6506 | Axis of revolution is not the same for all ROTPER cards. |
6507 | The last time entry in the table <name> for free molecular request <ID> goes beyond the orbit period. |
6508 | Gray body view factors cannot be evaluated. |
6509 | Negative mass flow of <value> for stream <integer> at time <value> is encountered, while no flow reversal is defined for the stream. |
6510 | Total Temperature: Non-zero relative temperature difference is defined as swirl input on a boundary condition (BC) with zero wall rotation velocity. Swirl velocity is treated as zero for any instance under these circumstances. |
6511 | Negative mass flow of <value> for stream <integer> at time <value> is encountered, while no flow reversal is defined for the stream. Since the mass flow is less than the <value> threshold value, the absolute value of the mass flow will be used instead. |
6512 | The following circular dependency between boundary conditions is detected. This type of interdependency will increase the run time. If the circular setup for the boundaries was unintentional, it is recommended to revise the model boundary conditions. <name>, <name>, <name> |
6513 | The following boundary condition has dependency on itself: <name>. This self-dependency will increase the run time. If this setup for the boundary was unintentional, it is recommended to revise the model boundary condition. |
6514 | The Heat Transfer Coefficient defined for one of the Regions of the Thermal Void <name> is too sensitive to the void temperature. This behavior combined with implicit treatment of heat transfer coefficients may adversely affect convergence. |
6515 | For the Fluid Duct selection in Total Temperature Effects type of Duct Flow Boundary Conditions simulation object with ID <ID>, the solver is unable to find any convective coupling from the fluid ducts to the wall. Therefore, the rotational effects are ignored. Either the Convecting Region in the Total Temperature Effects needs to be defined or a Convective Coupling needs to be applied. |
6516 | During matrix extraction, nonlinear terms were found while averaging matrices between two time steps. Linearized matrices may not represent faithfully the full system behavior. |
6517 | The correlation time <value> has been ignored since it is out of the simulation transient time interval. |
6518 | There is no contact distance value received from the structural solver, the gap distance cannot be updated. Please review your contact definition. |
6600 | Only 1 domain is identified in the partitioning! |
6601 | The complete decomposition of radiation to environment request may cause incorrect view factor report between regions. Thus, radiation request will not be decomposed. As a result, a higher memory may be consumed. |
6602 | There are inconsistencies in parallel run domain decomposition setup on domain <integer>. The code for inconsistency type is <integer>. |
6700 | The following <number> parabolic elements are participating in this radiation request. The GPU based radiation calculation methods treat parabolic elements as linear for radiation calculations. Elements: <list of IDs> ... |
6701 | 0D elements are not supported by GPU view factors and GPU ray tracing radiation calculation methods. The following <number> elements will be ignored: <list of IDs> ... |
6702 | For this GPU radiation request the number of rays for the following <number> elements exceed the limit of <number>. This limit has been enforced. The element IDs are: <list of IDs> ... |
6703 | The following elements are marked in a deactivation set as not-shadowing. Since the GPU based radiation calculation always performs shadowing checks for all elements part of the request, this deactivation set will be ignored: <list of IDs> |
6704 | The GPU Ray Tracing algorithm ignores specular properties for beams. Affected elements are contained in group IGNORE_BEAMS_SPECULARITY in file groups.unv. The following <number> beams are considered to have diffuse properties: <list of IDs> |