7000 - 7999 fatal messages
ID | Message text and information |
7000 | Run aborted due to errors. |
7001 | Total number of elements <number> exceeds TMG limit of <limit>. |
7002 | FILE27 is not present. |
7003 | Recursive name definition, <name> defined from <name>. |
7004 | The name definition <name> could not be resolved. |
7005 | Premature end of file during scan of Card 9. |
7006 | Error in TMG input file INPF in the above line. |
7007 | Solid element <ID> has a volume of <value>. CG cannot be calculated. |
7008 | Error in TMG input file near line no <integer>. |
7009 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Incorrect number of delimiters <integer>, occurring in lines <list of line numbers> |
7010 | Element label <ID> exceeds TMG limit of <ID>. |
7011 | Cannot collect small radiative couplings if residual view factors are not connected to a specified element. |
7012 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Error in Program Control Card. |
7013 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Error in Analyzer Control Card. |
7014 | Cannot perform transient solution with time averaged heat loads. |
7015 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Card 3 must be comments only. |
7016 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Error in Program Control or Analyzer Control Card. |
7017 | Duplicate node in element <ID>. |
7018 | Node <ID> in element <ID> is not defined. |
7019 | Error on INP2F for NASTRAN input. |
7020 | Node <ID> specified in radial heat flow entity does not exist. |
7021 | Nodes specified in radial heat flow entity are coincident. |
7022 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Error in Card <number> line <number>. |
7023 | Nodes of axisymmetric element are too close to the axis. |
7024 | Number of nodes to be generated <number> in expanding axisymmetric model exceeds limits. |
7025 | Number of elements to be generated in expanding axisymmetric model exceeds limits. |
7026 | Axisymmetric element <ID> is incorrectly defined. |
7027 | Error in TMG input file INPF: error in field <number> of following line <number>. |
7028 | Excessive data on temperature recovery file, recovery cannot be performed. |
7029 | More than <number> nodes - renumbering failed. |
7030 | More than <number> elements - renumbering failed. |
7031 | Cannot invert a singular matrix. |
7032 | Error in TMG input file INPF: No MAT Card <number> found, referenced by element <ID>. |
7033 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improper PROP Card type specified for element <ID>. |
7034 | Error in TMG input file INPF: No PROP Card <number> found, referenced by element <ID>. |
7035 | Error in TMG input file INPF: No FANPUMP table specified on PROP Card <number>. |
7036 | More than <number> data items on file <number> - merging is not possible. |
7037 | Improper use of group name <name> - wildcards are not allowed. |
7038 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Group names are not valid for following Card in field=<ID>. |
7039 | Element group <name> is not defined. |
7040 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improper number of variables on XCIRC Card. |
7041 | Error in TMG input file INPF: No TABTYPE Card found for referenced table <ID>. |
7042 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Referenced table no <ID> not found. |
7043 | Variable type for table <ID> should be conductance. |
7044 | Fluid element <ID> is selected for element merging - not permitted. |
7045 | Flow section element creation failed, Could not find an unused element label. |
7046 | No ambient element was defined. |
7047 | Ambient conditions are not defined. |
7048 | Ambient fluid material is not defined. |
7049 | Convection coupling requested to non-fluid elements. |
7050 | Element <ID> defined in two separate radial heat flow entities. |
7051 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Element <ID> defined on two separate ORTHO Cards. |
7052 | Orthotropic element <ID> is selected in a radial heat flow entity. |
7053 | On Card no <number> referenced node <ID> does not yet exist. |
7054 | Element center for solid element <ID> can not be determined, probably improper shape. |
7055 | Space element label <ID> is too large. |
7056 | Error generating space elements. |
7057 | For a full orbit, the time at start position must be zero. |
7058 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improper orientation parameter is specified on an Orbit Card. |
7059 | Error in TMG input file INPF in line <number>. |
7060 | Improper albedo value in orbit definition. |
7061 | Improper calculation frequency in orbit definition. |
7062 | Improper eccentricity value in orbit definition. |
7063 | Improper semi-major axis ratio in orbit definition. |
7064 | Improper orbit period in orbit definition. |
7065 | For a full orbit, the time at start position must be zero. |
7066 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improper rotation code in orbit definition. |
7067 | More than <number> connections: model is too large to solve. Suggestion: use element CG method to calculate conductances. |
7068 | Improper geometry in element <ID>. |
7069 | NN parameter of AXISYMM Card <number> < 3. |
7070 | Axis nodes are not specified for AXISYMM Card <number>. |
7071 | Axis nodes of AXISYMM Card <number> are too close to each other. |
7072 | Axis nodes of AXISYMM Card <number> do not exist. |
7073 | Node <ID> referenced in element <ID> is not defined. |
7074 | Duplicate node in element <ID>. |
7075 | More than <number> conductances. |
7076 | More than <number> heat loads. |
7077 | More than <number> capacitances. |
7078 | More than <number> items in sub RECOMB2. |
7079 | Reverse side of element <ID> must have the same transmissivity. |
7080 | Reverse side label of element <ID> is too large. |
7081 | Error in TMG input file INPF: There is a mixing of global and local axisymmetry definitions. |
7082 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improper node number <number> on axisymmetry definition Card. |
7083 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improper node label <ID> on axisymmetry definition Card. |
7084 | Error in TMG input file INPF: There is a mixing of global and local axisymmetry definitions. |
7085 | Improper filename specified for initial <name> boundary condition. |
7086 | No data was found on initial <string> file <name>. |
7087 | Error opening initial temperature file <name>. |
7088 | Transmissive element <ID> does not have its reverse side defined. |
7089 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Error in orthotropic property for element <ID>. |
7090 | Nodes defining of coordinate system <ID> are collinear. |
7091 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Element <ID> referenced in line <number> does not exist. |
7092 | Space enclosure may not be used if an axisymmetric facet value of 1 is defined. |
7093 | Error in TMG input file INPF: No corresponding MAT Card for MAT2 Card id <ID>. |
7094 | Group to group radiation requests are not allowed in axisymmetric models. |
7097 | Exponent for free convective conductance is too large. |
7099 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Group name must be specified on PRINT ABSHEAT Card. |
7100 | If MCV elements are present, Card 2b GRADNT should be -2 or -3. |
7101 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Physical properties of element <ID> should be defined on PROP Card. |
7102 | Planar elements with more than 4 nodes are not allowed. |
7103 | Error in TMG input file INPF: No table number specified for a FANPUMP element. |
7104 | Because of axisymmetry this is not allowed. |
7106 | Number of nodes greater than <number>. |
7107 | Number of elements greater than <number>. |
7108 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Too many elements on Card 6 VFMERGE Card. |
7109 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improper element <ID> on a view factor merge definition. |
7110 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Improperly placed symmetric elements continuation Card. |
7111 | Improper element no <ID> on symmetric element definition. |
7112 | Error in TMG input file INPF: MATVEC Card for element <ID> has no corresponding MAT Card. |
7113 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Element <ID> has two material orientation vectors. |
7114 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Orthotropic element <ID> has no material orientation vector. |
7115 | Error in STRNO subroutine on string. <string> |
7116 | Error in TMG input file INPF: TABTYPE Card may not have QNODE as independent variable. |
7117 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Reverse side definition of group name <name> has element increment=0. |
7118 | Cannot mix sun oriented and planet oriented orbits in same run. |
7119 | Fluid material <ID> has zero viscosity. |
7120 | Quartic solver cannot be used with CG element method. |
7121 | Error in TMG input file INPF:Fluid element <ID> has improper material <ID>. |
7122 | Error in creating reverse side for element <ID> with increment <ID>. Element label conflict found. |
7123 | Reverse side element with label <ID> is created, maximum element label for axisymmetric models is 10000. |
7124 | Element group <name> contains no elements. |
7125 | Element group <name> has improper group name. |
7126 | Error reading pressure BC data from file PRESSF. |
7127 | Runtime Option to Reuse Previous Model (M=256 restart) cannot be used for models which include Variable Heat Flux data (INTERP with AREA code). You must use the option to Reuse Previous Model, Update Boundary Conditions (M=0 restart) instead. |
7128 | Runtime Option to Reuse Previous Model (M=256 restart) cannot be used for models which include Time Varying Total Heat Load data (INTERP with TOTAL code). You must use the option Reuse Previous Model, Update Boundary Conditions (M=0 restart) instead. |
7129 | Runtime Option to Reuse Previous Model (M=256 restart) cannot be used for models which include Variable Heat Flux data (INTERP with VOLUME code). You must use the option to Reuse Previous Model, Update Boundary Conditions (M=0 restart) instead. |
7130 | Runtime Option to Reuse Previous Model (M=256 restart) cannot be used since element <ID> is associated with variable data (INTERP Card). You must use the option to Reuse Previous Model, Update Boundary Conditions (M=0 restart) instead. |
7131 | Transparent elements are not supported with articulation/spin. |
7132 | Weighted view factor adjustment is not supported with articulation. |
7133 | Ray tracing is not supported with articulation/spin. |
7134 | Circular elements are not supported with axisymmetric elements. |
7135 | Interface element <ID> has non-zero thermal conductivity. Recommend you change to element center method or set thermal conductivity to zero. |
7136 | Element <ID> has table-dependent surface properties defined while its reverse side does not. |
7137 | Element reverse side request with zero increment exists while largest element number is <number>. |
7138 | Conduction module must be re-run for restarts when using IDEAS boundary conditions. |
7139 | Table-dependent solar flux value is not allowed, the solar flux is in conflict with solar flux defined on Orbit Cards. |
7140 | Elements with property number <ID> have both transmissivity and specularity defined. This is not permitted. |
7141 | The reverse sides of the elements in group <name> do not exist. The radiation request for these reverse side elements is invalid. |
7142 | The number of spin positions must be greater than or equal to 2. |
7143 | The normal (<value 1>,<value 2>,<value 3>) of the selection for radial stream <ID> is perpendicular to the Z axis of the local cylindrical coordinate system for streams. Check the cylindrical coordinate system setup. |
7144 | No stream elements are created for radial stream <ID>. Check your local cylindrical coordinate system setup. |
7145 | The search for inlet node on element <ID> for stream <ID> has failed. Specify the inlet node by adding one of the following cards: TSTREAM <number> NDINLET<number> or TSTREAM<number> NDINLET <number>. |
7146 | The order of elements for selection for the stream <ID> does not start with the inlet element indicated <ID>. Choose a proper inlet element from which the stream starts or make a proper path selection for the stream. |
7147 | Conflicts between different BC selections are encountered. |
7148 | One or more streams are defined on unsupported topology including multiple not connected surfaces. Please specify selection for the streams on one surface. More information is available in the above notes. |
7149 | One or more two-sided streams are not valid due to sides A and B having opposite directions. Please see the above WARNINGS for more information. |
7151 | The radiative source power file: <name> cannot be opened. Radiative heating is thus undefined. |
7152 | Radiative source power cannot be computed from block: <name>. Check the source file and make sure the block is available and the heating source is properly defined. |
7153 | Duct fan/pump BCs are only supported for ducts with mass flow by the Navier Stokes 1D solver. Use duct inlet/outlet BC instead. For a list of invalid elements for fan/pump BCs, see the [Solution_name]_report.log file. |
7154 | Duct opening BCs are not supported by the Navier Stokes 1D solver. Use duct total pressure or duct inlet/outlet of type total pressure instead. For a list of invalid elements for duct opening BCs, see the [Solution_name]_report.log file. |
7155 | <string> Error in TMG input file INPF: The above Card <number> line no.<number> has an error in it. |
7156 | Restart analysis is not supported when using model file tmgmodel.dat. Model file is used with parabolic shell and axisymmetric shell elements or articulation. |
7157 | Articulation time values cannot be modified in a restart run. |
7158 | One of the generated space elements starting with space element number <ID> conflicts with an existing element number. Use another starting space element number. |
7159 | The following <number> elements have reverse sides and have their emissivities modified by an interpolation relationship. This is not permitted. If you wish to specify a table-dependent emissivity for these elements, it must be specified in the material definition. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>. <partial list of element IDs> |
7160 | Enclosure radiation BCs are applied on shared axisymmetric edges. This is not allowed. |
7161 | Error in radiative heating BC. Monte-Carlo cannot be used with a table dependent power source. Define a constant source or choose another computation method. |
7162 | Node <ID> is a duplicate. |
7163 | For protective layer <ID> with the name <name> the selected surface presents inconsistent normal directions (such in the vicinity of the node <ID>). This inconsistency prevents creation of protective layer elements with proper geometry. |
7170 | Error reading file INP2F. |
7171 | Number of elements to be created for applying boundary conditions exceeds limits. |
7172 | Internal element label <ID> is not found. |
7173 | Internal node label <ID> is not found. |
7174 | The number of heat flux boundary conditions exceeds limits. |
7175 | The number of convection boundary conditions exceeds the limits. |
7176 | The number of radiation boundary conditions exceeds the limits. |
7181 | Parent joint <ID> not found for joint <ID>. |
7182 | Vector number <ID> not found for joint <ID>. |
7183 | Duct inlet/outlet BCs are not supported by the Generalized Bernoulli 1D solver. Use other BCs that are supported instead, i.e. duct fan/pump, duct total pressure, duct static pressure, or duct opening. For a list of failing BCs, see the [Solution_name]_report.log file. |
7184 | GPU view factors and ray tracing cannot be mixed with non-GPU radiation calculation methods (hemicube rendering, deterministic, or Monte Carlo). Use only GPU radiation calculation methods within a solution or only non-GPU ones. |
7185 | Non-gray radiation is not supported by GPU view factors and GPU ray tracing radiation calculation methods. |
7186 | Spinning solid motion effect is not supported by GPU view factors and GPU ray tracing radiation calculation methods. |
7193 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Line generated by a Card with a name in it has an error. |
7194 | Error in TMG input file INPF: First character in Card 7 Card starts with the letter C. |
7195 | Error in TMG input file INPF: First character in Card 8 Card starts with the letter C. |
7196 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Too many group names in line. |
7197 | Orthotropic materials cannot be specified in an axisymmetric model. |
7198 | Enclosure view factor requests are not allowed in an axisymmetric model. |
7199 | Maximum element number <ID> is too large. Cannot create cubic space elements. |
7200 | A face of solid element <ID> is connected to multiple planar elements: <ID> and <ID>. |
7201 | A face of solid element <ID> is connected to multiple solid elements: <ID> and <ID>. |
7202 | More than <number> elements in conduction module. |
7203 | Duplicate lumped mass elements on node <ID>. |
7204 | More than one fluid flow element branches into node <ID>. |
7205 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Orthotropic material nodes <ID> <ID> are improper. |
7206 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Orthotropic material defined with nodes <ID> <ID> has improper directions. |
7207 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Orthotropic material defined with nodes <ID> <ID> has improper directions. |
7208 | Error - sum of flows into node <ID> is not zero. |
7209 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Anisotropic conductivity not defined correctly. |
7210 | Parabolic shell coating is applied on a non-parabolic element or vice versa at element <ID>. This type of coating is not supported with the Finite Element Method. Please remesh and rerun your simulation. |
7211 | For protective layer <ID> with the name <name> the protective element created for element <ID> has a thickness value of <value>. Please make sure a positive thickness is applied. |
7212 | For protective layer <ID> with the name <name> the protective node created for node <ID> has a thickness value of <value>. Please make sure a positive thickness is applied. |
7213 | The following elements have zero thickness. This case is not supported by the solver. <list of element IDs> |
7214 | Report simulation objects are not supported with Finite Element Method and Parallel run. |
7300 | Element <ID> is a duplicate on a symmetric element definition Card. |
7301 | Element <ID> is not defined on any symmetric element definition Card. |
7302 | Ambient conditions are not defined for free convection. |
7303 | Free convection with parallel plate correlation is defined for element <ID> which is not a planar shell. |
7304 | More than <number> elements for view factor module, exceeds its limits. |
7305 | Element label <ID> is too large. |
7306 | Earth albedo factors may not be calculated for axisymmetric elements. |
7307 | Solar view factors may not be calculated for axisymmetric elements. |
7308 | Earth view factors may not be calculated for symmetric elements. |
7309 | View factors may not be calculated for symmetric elements with the ray trace option. |
7310 | Radiative heating may not be calculated for symmetric elements. |
7311 | Radiating element <ID> not defined in symmetric element definition. Possible cause - it was defined as a non-axisymmetric element. |
7312 | On Card <card name>, on file VUFF neither element I nor element J appears as an N1 profile element on Card 6h. |
7313 | Improper characteristic element <ID> specified for free convection. |
7314 | A radiation request is present that is not supported together with articulation. Only "All" and "Enclosure" requests are supported with articulating elements. |
7315 | Missing "All Elements" solar heating or orbit definition with articulation. |
7316 | Articulation and spinning are not supported in same run. |
7317 | Total number of spin definitions <number> exceeds TMG limit of <number>. |
7318 | Internal TMG error 7318, error with ray tracing for element <ID>. |
7319 | <number> articulating elements are out of enclosure: <ID>. |
7320 | Articulation joints are not present in any enclosures and there is no VFSALL/VFNALL radiation request. |
7321 | Articulation in VFS1ALL/VFN1ALL radiation requests has been found. This is not supported. |
7322 | Articulation elements are found in the element list of a VFS12/VFN12 radiation request. This is not supported. |
7323 | For element <ID>, the total diffuse reflectivity in the <name> spectrum that is derived from the BRDF given by array <ID> yields inconsistent radiative properties. |
7324 | To use the ray tracing visualizer, the thermal model must be run with the advanced option ENABLE RAY TRACING VISUALIZER turned on. |
7325 | Multilayer elements are used with Join thermal couplings. This is not permitted, it is suggested you try to couple them with large thermal couplings. Associated with entity: <name> Element list: <partial list of IDs> ... |
7326 | Particle tracking and flux calculation cannot be performed in the same run. |
7327 | Thermal couplings to stream elements must have stream elements in secondary selection. Associated with entity: <name> Element list: <partial list of IDs> ... |
7328 | Unable to allocate array <ID> on remote machine <ID> when broadcasting primary/remote shared data to remote cores. Try a lower number of processors per host machine. |
7400 | The number of elements in an enclosure exceeds the limit of <number>. Use Oppenheim method instead. |
7401 | The number of view factors exceeds the limit of <number>. |
7402 | Gray body matrix cannot be determined: Element <ID> in enclosure has an improper surface property. |
7403 | Error during LU decomposition. |
7404 | Element label <ID> is > <ID>, residual view factor handling is improper. |
7405 | Element <ID> is improperly defined. |
7406 | Maximum element label <ID> exceeded. |
7407 | Not enough memory to store data. Please set advanced parameter: GPUINMEMORYFILE=1. |
7500 | More than 10000 time cases in model. |
7501 | Gray body matrix has more than <number> terms. |
7502 | Transparent surfaces are present and radiative heat flux calculations are requested with the Gebhardt's Method. Use the Oppenheim Method. |
7503 | The following <number> elements appear in multiple radiative source requests. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>. <partial list of element IDs> |
7504 | Not enough memory to store data. Please set advanced parameter: GPUINMEMORYFILE=1. |
7600 | More than <number> convective conductances. |
7601 | Element <ID> not defined on Card 5, error in NASTRAN output. |
7602 | More than <number> heat loads in model. |
7603 | More than <number> elements with temperature BCs in reduced model. |
7604 | More than <number> heat loads in reduced model. |
7605 | Error on line <string>. |
7606 | Material Table <ID> not found while translating NEVADA deck. |
7607 | TMG Beam Element <ID> has zero length. |
7608 | TMG Element <ID> is poorly defined, cannot generate NEVADA coordinate system. |
7609 | Material property <name> for material table <ID> cannot be found. |
7651 | FATAL Error <string> |
7652 | Unable to get TMG version number from version file. Check TMG installation. |
7700 | Error in CR1. |
7701 | More than <number> elements. |
7702 | Error on TAPE13 on line no <number>. |
7800 | Insufficient memory in MEREL module = <value>. Please check if an excessive number of additional XCOND conductances were defined. |
7801 | Number of conductances exceeds <value>. Series conductance between elements <ID> and <ID> not processed. |
7802 | Error in reading file in subroutine SER2. |
7803 | Error on temperature file TEMPF. |
7804 | More than <number> time values. |
7805 | A boundary condition or load has been defined on the interface between two plane stress elements or two Cyclic Symmetry simulation objects with different numbers of instances. It is not defined how to compute the coupling area in this situation. The associated element numbers are <ID> and <ID>. |
7900 | More than <number> table references. |
7901 | Error in TMG input file INPF: Dependent variable on table <ID> for FANPUMP element <ID> must be DeltaPT, Volume, Mass Flow, OR Velocity. |
7902 | For time=<value> all time-dependent tables are periodic. For periodic tables initial time value must be 0, not <value>. |
7903 | For time=<value> time-dependent table <ID> is periodic. For periodic tables initial time value must be 0, not <value>. |
7904 | Value of conductance between elements <ID> <ID> modified by table interpolation from table <ID> is < 0. |
7905 | Element <ID> has flow section improperly defined. |
7906 | Flow section for fluid element <ID> not defined. |
7907 | Flow resistance <ID> between <ID> and <ID> is infinite. |
7908 | Flow resistance <ID> between <ID> and <ID> is zero. |
7909 | Rad. conductance <ID> between <ID> and <ID> is zero. |
7910 | Radiative conductance <ID> between <ID> and <ID> cannot be evaluated, temperature <ID> = <value>, temperature <ID> = <value>. |
7911 | Improper direction for fluid elements <ID> <ID>. |
7912 | Conductance value <ID> between <ID> and <ID> is zero. |
7913 | Conductance value <ID> between <ID> and <ID> is infinite. |
7914 | Nonconsecutive table number <ID>. Possible TABDATA Cards with no corresponding TABTYPE Cards are present. |
7915 | Number of tables exceeds <value>. |
7916 | More than <value> entries in a table. |
7917 | More than <value> conductances. |
7918 | Convective couplings created without fluid elements. |
7919 | Undefined or improper flow section for fluid element <ID>. You must define a flow section at all points in the network except at the free ends, which are assigned ambient conditions. |
7920 | Fluid properties are not defined for element <ID> at node <ID>. You must ensure that fluid properties are defined at the inlet to the network. If you are using a pressure boundary condition, assign fluid properties to the rigid link flow section element. |
7921 | Undefined or improper flow section for fluid element <ID> at node <ID>. You must define a flow section at all points in the network except free ends, which are assigned ambient conditions. |
7922 | Linear conductance <ID> between <ID> and <ID> has improper value of <value>. |
7923 | Radiative conductance <ID> between <ID> and <ID> has improper value of <value>. |
7924 | 1-way conductance <ID> between <ID> and <ID> has improper value of <value>. |
7925 | More than <number> fluid elements or conductances. |
7926 | More than <number> character string descriptors. |
7927 | No upstream element found for fluid element <ID>. |
7928 | One of the capacitances of phase change element <ID> is zero. |
7929 | Error in TMG input file INPF: More than <number> VARIABLE Cards. |
7930 | Element <ID> type not defined on geometry file. |
7931 | Insufficient storage for ILU accelerator needs <number> locations. |
7932 | Improper matrix for ILU accelerator. |
7933 | ILU accelerator faces breakdown. |
7934 | Too many conductances for ILU accelerator. |
7935 | Insufficient work length vector = <value> specified in FASTSOLVE as PAR(6). Should be at least <value>. |
7936 | Conjugate-gradient solver iterative breakdown, please check boundary conditions. |
7937 | No temperature constraints specified for steady state run. Please change your <name> to transient. |
7938 | Improper electrical boundary conditions defined. |
7939 | Error in routine CRSMADD while creating matrix. |
7940 | Error while creating electrical resistance matrix. |
7941 | Electrical element <ID> with material property <ID> should have table-dependent thermal conductivity defined. |
7942 | Error reading <name>. |
7943 | Error encountered with a conductance connected to element <ID>. Preconditioning matrix could not be constructed. |
7944 | Unable to allocate array <name> from FGETMEM. Probably insufficient swap space or inappropriate limits set. |
7945 | Unable to allocate array <ID> in routine fgetmem2. Trying to allocate <value> bytes,<value> bytes have already been allocated. Probable cause is insufficient swap space. |
7946 | Memory allocation failed with default LFIL value of <value>. Try a lower value with Card 9 PARAM ILU Card. |
7947 | Cannot find the flow time-step table data. Check the name of the time-step profile in the transient BC file. |
7948 | Cannot find the thermal time-step table data. Check the name of the time-step profile in the transient BC file. |
7949 | Error in interpolation routine when creating time step table. |
7950 | Negative emissivities specified in table <ID>. |
7951 | Unable to allocate sufficient memory to solve the model with a matrix fill value of <value>. Trying to allocate <value> bytes, <value> have already been allocated. Possible cause: insufficient swap space. Suggestion: if you find the residual value acceptable, increase the convergence criterion to something above this value. |
7952 | Hydraulic element <ID> is connected to element <ID> with a follower conductance. This is not permitted. You can achieve the same result by specifying both elements to be sinks, and making one follow the temperature of the other with a temperature vs temperature table. |
7953 | User DLL schema is active but tmgopen_user or tmgopen shared object could not be found, it could be related to USER1.f compile or link errors. |
7954 | Improper material properties defined either for element <ID> or for the AMBIENT element. Either the density, or the viscosity, or the specific heat, or the thermal conductivity is zero. |
7955 | Unable to access file heatermatrix.dat. |
7956 | A Real Time TMG API routine is called and the Real Time TMG feature is not activated. You may activate this feature by including GPARAM 12 1378 1 in the input file. |
7957 | Encountered a hydraulic connection between a stream network element <ID> and a non-stream hydraulic element <ID>. |
7958 | There are no active heater controllers but the option to determine equivalent heat loads to maintain thermostat set points has been selected. |
7959 | Multiple independent variables not allowed for expression ID <ID>: <string>. |
7960 | Fluid temperature is referenced for element <ID> for expression ID <ID> but there are no hydraulic elements associated with that element. |
7961 | Invalid BC index ID <ID> referenced in expression function <name>. |
7962 | Empty element selection encountered when processing BC index ID <ID> referenced in expression function <name>. |
7963 | Out-of-domain or undefined element <ID> on domain <ID> for BC index ID <ID> referenced in expression function <name>. |
7964 | One of expressions references non-existing additional fluid material <ID> in material list <ID>. |
7965 | The named point <name> used in the function <name> does not exist. Please check the named points names. |
7966 | Function <name> references invalid void region ID <ID> for thermal void load <ID>. |
7967 | Function <name> references invalid thermal void load <ID>. |
7968 | The curve <name> used in the function RLD does not exist. Please check the curve names. |
7969 | The curve <name> used in the function RLD references the point <ID> that does not exist in INPF. |
7970 | Inconsistent rotational loads while using PWR function: the stream <ID> has <string> while the void <ID> has <string>. |
7971 | <name> is missing or not properly provided. |
7972 | Number of data in the table of index of refraction has to be equal to the number of data in the table of extinction coefficient. |
7973 | There are problems with <name> optical properties. Please check the input tables. |
7974 | Run termination is requested from expressions user plugin. |
7975 | The table for film thickness dependent <name> is missing. |
7976 | Evaluated Area or multiplication factor is negative or zero. |
7977 | There are problems with map arrays. |
7979 | <name> BC <name> with ID number of <ID> has a negative HTC value. Please verify that the HTC value over the duration of the simulation is greater than or equal to zero. |
7980 | The capacitance of thermal void with NAME: <name> and with USER ID: <ID> is negative. |
7981 | The process of pairing wall rotational properties to the corresponding flow node has failed for the following stream: <ID>. |
7982 | <name> cannot be evaluated because it has dependency on itself. |
7983 | The function <name> cannot be evaluated because Duct Label <label> has not been defined in the model. |
7984 | A set of <number> connected streams are defined with the automatically determine inlet temperature/reverse inlet temperature option. However, at this stage, there are no incoming streams into the junction. Therefore, the temperature of the junction cannot be computed. The junction includes streams with IDs: <list of IDs>. |
7985 | The stream with ID <ID> is defined with the automatically determine reverse mass flow option. During the reverse condition, the mass flow was calculated to be in the nominal direction. The calculated direction of the flow contradicts the model setup. |
7986 | The flow time-step table is empty. Check the time-step profile in the transient BC file. |
7987 | Thermal correlation cannot run without a design variable in the model. |
7988 | DESIGN VARIABLE <name> is not defined. |
7989 | Thermal Coupling - <name>: The element with the global index = <ID> is not a supported type with Finite Element Method. Select the Element CG Method in order to run this simulation. |
7990 | Two different Rotation loads has been defined for element <ID>: Rotation load 1 ID: <ID> Rotation load 2 ID: <ID> Please remove one of the loads. |
7991 | Thermal correlation cannot run without a correlation target in the model. |
7992 | Interpolation of <name> for the <name> BC <name> with ID number <ID> has failed. Please check the property definition. |