14500 - 14999 warning messages

ID Message text and information
14501 MP WARNING <number>. Specified run directory is invalid and will be reset.
14502 MP WARNING <number>. The log file specification is invalid.
14503 MP WARNING <number>. A potential file conflict for the following persistent extensions: <name>.
14504 MP WARNING <number>. Invalid entry: <name>: <name>.
14505 MP WARNING <number>. Invalid entry: <name>.
14506 MP WARNING <number>. Invalid header for input file.
14507 MP WARNING <number>. Could not open dump file <name>.
14508 MP WARNING <number>. Mesh similarity check disabled.
14509 MP WARNING <number>. The pair variable: <name> solver: <name> is not compatible with this coupling type and has been removed.
14510 MP WARNING <number>. Inactive variable: <name> solver: <name>.
14511 MP WARNING <number>. Unable to receive solver messages.
14512 MP WARNING <number>. MP convergence is not achieved, continue ...
14513 MP WARNING <number>. The solver <name> failed to solve the problem. It is highly unlikely that the solver will continue properly. Please consult the output files to diagnose the problem.
14514 MP WARNING <number>. Not enough arguments for [-verify] option.
14515 MP WARNING <number>. Not enough arguments for [-verify solver] option.
14516 MP WARNING <number>. Unsupported option [-verify <name>]
14517 MP WARNING <number>. Input file name is missing for [-if] option.
14518 MP WARNING <number>. Log file name is missing for [-lg] option.
14519 MP WARNING <number>. Run directory name is missing for [-rd] option.
14520 MP WARNING <number>. Testing option is not specified.
14521 MP WARNING <number>. Testing mode is not specified.
14522 MP WARNING <number>. Invalid testing mode.
14523 MP WARNING <number>. Solver name is missing for [-dummy] option.
14524 MP WARNING <number>. User-specified cases are ignored.
14525 MP WARNING <number>. No case-solver - user flag [cases ALL] is ignored.
14526 MP WARNING <number>. NX Thermal solver alignment points <ID> and <ID> are too close to each other.
14527 MP WARNING <number>. External solver alignment points <ID> and <ID> are too close to each other.
14528 MP WARNING <number>. Alignment point sets for NX Thermal and External solvers are not similar.
14529 MP WARNING <number>. Number of solver messages exceeded the limit. Solver <name>.
14530 MP WARNING <number>. Invalid memory limit (resetting to default). Solver <name>.
14533 MP WARNING <number>. Attempt to run on a non-heterogeneous platform. Solver <name>.
14534 MP WARNING <number>. Solver architecture is not specified, local hosting is assumed.
14535 MP WARNING <number>. Non-similar zones <name>.
14536 MP WARNING <number>. Invalid time profile <name>.
14537 MP WARNING <number>. A Thermal Deactivation Set is specified in a Multiphysics solution. Make sure a Structural Deactivation Set, that includes the thermal deactivation set selection, is specified in the solution.