4000 - 4999 warning messages

ID Message text and information
4001 Axisymmetric elements are not defined as circular elements, because the faceting value is less than 8.
4002 Card 10 not recognized as user subroutine: First line of Card 10 does not start in column 7 with the word SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION.
4003 Iteration limit > 100000, changed to 100000.
4004 Iteration damping parameter = <value>, it must have a value between 0 and 1.
4005 Results printout interval > 100000, changed to 100000.
4006 Improper transient damping parameter = <value>, it must have a value between 0 and 1.
4007 Axisymmetric element <ID> has more than 4 nodes, it is ignored.
4008 Reverse side element <ID> is defined as axisymmetric, it is ignored.
4009 Surface normal of axisymmetric element <ID> points into solid element <ID>.
4010 Error on file VUFF in line <number>.
4011 Density for ANSYS MAT Card <number> must be temperature independent.
4012 Error reading ANSYS material property Cards.
4013 Node <ID> has an improper label.
4014 Node <ID> is renumbered to <ID>.
4015 Node <ID> does not exist.
4016 Element <ID> was not found.
4017 AREA Card 6E references both a profile element and a table.
4018 On Card 6 VFMERGE Card generation element <ID> is unacceptable.
4019 On Card 6 SYMNODES Card generation element <ID> is unacceptable.
4020 Element merging or elimination element generation <ID> is unacceptable.
4021 Element label <ID> is a duplicate.
4022 TMG input file error. More than 1 axisymmetry definition, and one or more of them is global. The last global definition is assumed correct.
4023 Error in field <name>.
4024 Axisymmetric faceting value <8, changed to 8.
4025 Radial heat flow element <ID> has angle > 120 degrees, the conductances may be improper.
4026 TMG input file error. Undefined variable in axisymmetry definition, value set to 8.
4027 Character field of DESCRIP Card <name> exceeds 40 characters, only the first 40 characters are used.
4028 Radiative heat source has zero power value specified.
4029 TMG input file error. Obsolete format ORTHO Card found. Use MAT Card instead. With ORTHO Card element center method must be used.
4030 The ray tracing results will be inaccurate if the view factor requests are for partial enclosures. It is recommended you use the all radiation option with ray tracing.
4031 All materials have zero thermal conductivity.
4034 Node <ID> has 1-node fluid elements <ID>, and <ID> associated with it, more than 1 may cause problems.
4035 View factors are requested for an axisymmetric model, at least one of the requests must be for all radiation.
4036 Since space element is defined, it is recommended that residual view factors are set to space.
4037 KSP=10000, possible error. The code for Proportional Adjustment is KSP=3000000 in this release.
4038 CG conduction method was specified, radiative conductances will be calculated with Oppenheim's Method.
4039 Table-dependent emissivities are present, for accurate results use Oppenheim's Method.
4040 Interface element <ID> has non-zero thermal conductivity. If the connected elements have temperature-dependent thermal conductivities then inaccurate conductances will be calculated.
4041 The ray trace option is used, transparent properties are present, and orbital heat fluxes are requested. Inaccurate results will be obtained, try the Explicit Earth option.
4042 The specified temperature for sink element <ID> is below absolute zero.
4043 Weighted view factor adjustment not supported with articulation. Changed to self-view factors option.
4044 <name> references reverse elements of group <name> that do not exist. The nonexistent elements are in the group <name> on file groups.unv.
4045 For shell with physical property number <ID> the number of layers defined is <number>. The maximum allowable value is <number>. The number of layers was reset to <number>.
4047 On physical property number <ID> the thickness is zero while the number of layers is <number>. This is not correct, the number of layers is reset to 1.
4048 Some nodes are at a distance > 1.E6 from the origin. Elements connected to them will be considered SPACE elements.
4049 The reverse sides of the element group <name> may not exist. The radiation request for these reverse sides may be ignored.
4050 Some elements of the model are not axisymmetric. No view factors will be calculated to them.
4051 RESTART does not update natively defined BCs. If they have been changed, it may be necessary to perform a new analysis.
4052 Restart is being performed with specular/transparent model. If you are re-using previously calculated view factors, ensure the specular/transparent element surface properties have not changed.
4053 For material <name> a table-dependent specific heat is defined. The value interpolated from the table will override the specified specific heat above the phase change temperature.
4054 The solid element subdivision flag is set and solid elements have temperature-dependent orthotropic material properties. This is not permitted, the solid element subdivision flag is deactivated.
4055 The element radiation patching option is activated, and there are some elements with emissivities of 1.0. No radiation patches will be created for them. If you do wish to create patches for them, please change their emissivities to < 1.0, e.g. 0.99. The complete list of elements is written on file groups.unv with the group name: <name>.
4056 An All Radiation request is present with ray tracing, and the model is axisymmetric. Incorrect results will be obtained. Ray tracing may not be performed on axisymmetric models.
4057 Some radiation requests are present but no emissivities are defined. They will not be executed.
4058 Specular and/or transmissive elements are present in the model, but there are no view factor requests with the Ray Trace option specified. These elements will be treated as fully diffuse and opaque.
4059 For material <ID> emissivity should be ≤ 1.0.
4060 Temperatures from a previous run have been specified as initial temperatures, and the Redistribute Capacitances option is activated. Since this is not a restart, boundary element labeling may not be consistent. Therefore, initial temperatures of boundary elements will be approximate.
4061 Heat load vs temperature interpolation relationship has been detected. This may result in convergence problems. Suggestion: lower damping parameter.
4062 Heat map requests cannot be combined with PARAM REDUCE, group to group heat flow, or group to group view factor requests. Heat map requests will be ignored.
4063 An ESATAN or SINDA file is requested, the default option of redistributing capacitances is ON, and solid elements are present in the model. This is not compatible with ESATAN or SINDA, therefore no ESATAN or SINDA deck will be created. To correct this, please turn on the Do Not Redistribute Capacitances flag.
4064 The Analyzer is being run, a SINDA or ESATAN model is requested, there are solid elements in the model, and the default capacitance redistribution option is ON. This combination is not permitted, since the TMG model is not compatible with the ESATAN or SINDA models, which require that the capacitances of solid elements not be redistributed to the boundary elements. The ESATAN/SINDA model will not be created. To create the ESATAN/SINDA model, please turn on the Do Not Redistribute Capacitances flag.
4065 A negative element number of <number> was specified on an XCOND Card specifying conductances, it was changed to a positive value.
4066 A negative conductance value of <value> was specified on an XCOND Card between elements <ID> and <ID>.
4067 Single <type> spectrum option is ON. The number of bands for spectrum subdivision specified in PARAM SPECTRA Card is reduced.
4068 The following <ID> element(s) have potential reverse side conflicts. Either a capacitance, or a heat load, or a conductance, or a temperature boundary condition was defined on their reverse side. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>.
4069 The following <number> multilayer elements have conflicting surface normal orientations. This can create improper view factors. Adjacent multilayer elements sharing common nodes should have consistent surface normal orientations. Please re-orient the elements. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>. List of elements <IDs>.
4070 <name> references the reverse sides of elements of group <name>. These elements either do not exist or are the reverse sides of nonhomogeneous multilayer shell elements. These elements are listed in the group <name> on file groups.unv.
4071 Axisymmetry is defined about more than one axis of revolution.
4072 For material <name> a table-dependent density is defined. Time or temperature dependent density is not supported for solid materials.
4073 Some elements of the model are not Rotational Periodic. No view factors will be calculated to them.
4074 Some elements are part of the selection for thermal rotational periodicity boundary conditions, as well as a radiation request. Periodic faces cannot radiate because they are part of the solid model when considering the complete rotated model. These elements will be used for conduction only.
4075 A temperature-dependent table for Cp has been created during the solve, using Cp (below), Cp (above), latent heat, and phase change temperature and range.
4076 A heat load for the void <name> would be overwritten with the expression indicated via generic entity <name>.
4077 Thermal coupling request specified in line <number> of INPF: <name> contains primary and/or secondary selections with no elements. This request will be ignored.
4078 The selection of thermal stream: <name> is a shared edge between axisymmetric solid elements.
4079 The selection of thermal void: <name> is a shared edge between axisymmetric solid elements.
4080 The selection of thermal convecting zone: <name> is a shared edge between axisymmetric solid elements.
4081 The selection of convection to environment BC: <name> is a shared edge between axisymmetric solid elements.
4082 The selection of thermal stream: <name> has an edge with 0 thickness.
4083 The selection of thermal void: <name> has an edge with 0 thickness.
4084 The selection of thermal convecting zone: <name> has an edge with 0 thickness.
4085 The selection of convection to environment BC: <name> has an edge with 0 thickness.
4086 Two-sided stream <type> with the name <vname> is not valid due to sides A and B having opposite directions.
4087 Monte-Carlo is used with axisymmetric elements, however the option "Calculate View Factors only" is not activated. This option is required for proper handling of Monte-Carlo radiation requests. The solver will activate this automatically.
4088 Monte-Carlo is used with plane stress elements, however the option "Calculate View Factors only" is not activated. This option is required for proper handling of Monte-Carlo radiation requests. The solver will activate this automatically.
4089 The selection of thermal stream: <name> may not have a convective area. Please check thickness definition of adjacent meshes.
4090 The selection of thermal void: <name> may not have a convective area. Please check thickness definition of adjacent meshes.
4091 The selection of thermal convecting zone: <name> may not have a convective area. Please check thickness definition of adjacent meshes.
4092 The selection of convection to environment BC: <name> may not have a convective area. Please check thickness definition of adjacent meshes.
4093 Note: Stream <ID> with the name <name> might be defined on complicated topology including loops and other surfaces. Please check the final form of the stream in the post-processing. If needed subdivide your stream selection into separate simpler ones.
4094 For material <name> a temperature-dependent density is defined. Temperature dependent density is not supported for solid materials. The density is substituted with the constant value of <value> which is interpolated based on the provided temperature of <value>.
4095 The number of axisymmetric segments for some axisymmetric collectors is higher than the maximum supported: 90. Default value of 90 will be used for those collectors.
4096 The selection of enclosure radiation BC: <name> contains a shared edge between axisymmetric solid elements.
4097 For protective layer <ID> with the name <name> the ratio between protective layer total thickness and adjacent mesh size exceeds 1/2. This might lead to the creation of invalid protective layer elements.
4098 For Stream <ID> with the name <name>, the selected face region does not expand along the main component of the stream direction (e.g., the current stream is primarily axial or radial). This configuration leads to the creation of a single stream element that will be connected to all elements on the selected face region, which might not align with the intended modeling. Please ensure that the defined components of the stream direction align with the face region for this stream.
4099 The selection of enclosure radiation BC: <name> contains a shared edge between plane stress elements.
4100 Two nodes of element <ID> are coincident.
4101 Conductance between elements <ID and <ID> is approximate.
4102 Internal approximations made within element <ID>.
4103 Area of element <ID> is negative.
4104 Width of element <ID> is equal to zero.
4105 Flow in element <ID> not in plane of the element.
4106 Sum of flows into element <ID> is not zero.
4107 Some nodes are used both as midside nodes of parabolic elements as well as vertex nodes of linear and/or parabolic elements. The elements sharing these nodes may not conduct to each other. A list of these nodes follows: <ID>.
4200 An edge of radial heat flow element <ID> is too long. Inaccurate view factors may result, try to subdivide the element.
4201 TMG input file error. On Card 6E, field N1F < field N1S, no conductances generated.
4202 Element <ID> has an improper emissivity value, no radiative couplings were created.
4203 Specular element <ID> should not be used with the fixed solar input option.
4204 Transparent element <ID> should not be used with the fixed solar input option.
4205 The distance between elements <ID> and <ID> is too small.
4206 Element <ID> has improper emissivity, no radiative couplings created.
4207 Thermal coupling failed for NEARA option. No eligible secondary elements found between groups <name> and <name>.
4208 Read error on file <name> record is ignored. <value>
4209 The H/R ratio for an orbit is < 1. The resulting subterranean orbit ignored.
4210 Either element <ID> or <ID> is present on VUFF but not on Card 6h.
4212 The following input file (INPF) line has an error in it: <number>.
4213 Element <ID> in view factor merging definition is not active for radiation.
4214 Incorrect specular reflectivity or transmissivity for element <ID>.
4215 Unrecognized element <ID> in radiation request, request is ignored.
4216 Too many specular view factors for radiative heating request.
4217 In element <ID> either 2 nodes are coincident or 3 nodes are in a straight line.
4218 Model contains no eligible radiation elements.
4220 Radiative thermal couplings should not be used with Oppenheim option if the connected elements have table-dependent emissivities.
4221 Specular reflectivity or transmissivity may not be assigned to beams, as is for element <ID>.
4222 There is an improper length-proportional thermal coupling request for shell element <ID>, the element should be a beam.
4223 Thermal coupling request failed because no secondary elements were found in primary group <name> for <number> elements. Associated with entity: <value>. Element list: <value> ...
4224 Thermal coupling request failed because improper emissivity was defined in primary group <name> for <number> elements. Associated with entity: <name>. Element list: <ID> ...
4225 These specular elements of group <name> should not be used with fixed solar option for <number> elements. Associated with entity: <name>. Element list: <ID> ...
4226 These transparent elements of group <name> should not be used with fixed solar option for <number> elements. Associated with entity: <name>. Element list: <ID> ...
4229 The orientations of the following free-convecting elements differ substantially from the orientations of their characteristic elements. Associated with entity: <name>. Element list: <ID> ...
4230 Radiative thermal boundary condition application failed because improper emissivity was defined for elements in group <name> for <number> elements. Associated with entity: <name>. Element list: <ID> ...
4231 You are attempting to redefine the solar or IR extinction coefficient property of element <ID> with a MATCHANGE Card. However, this cannot be done because the property was originally defined with a zero value. Please redefine the original property on the MAT Card with a non-zero value.
4232 A large number of calls has been made to the pseudo-random number generator. The Monte Carlo results may not be properly converged.
4233 During ray tracing <number> rays hit the inactive sides of <number> elements and were discarded. The following is a partial list. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>.
4234 Array <ID> specifies a bidirectional reflectance distribution function. The independent variables are incorrectly specified. The first independent variable should be ANG_INC, and the second should be ANG_REF. The BRDF will be ignored.
4235 Array <ID> specifies a bidirectional reflectance distribution function. Both incident and reflected angles must be specified from 0 to 90 degrees. The BRDF will be ignored.
4236 An error has been detected in the shadowing surface reduction algorithm. The algorithm has been deactivated. This will not affect results, but may impact performance. Please contact TMG support.
4237 Incomplete BRDF table. BRDF values should be entered for 90 deg. > THETA > 0 deg., and 360 deg. > PHI > 0 deg.
4238 Incomplete BRDF table. BRDF table should be fully populated.
4239 All elements are considered to be illuminated when using Monte Carlo ray tracing to calculate radiative heating requests.
4240 With Monte Carlo ray tracing, all view factor and radiative heating requests are treated as shadowing requests.
4241 An All Radiation (VFSALL) request was encountered. However, solid elements with uncoated surfaces are also present in the model. Note that no view factors will be calculated to uncoated solid elements. If you wish, you may automatically surface coat all solid elements with the ACO (PARAM AUTOCOAT) option in the Advanced Solver Parameters Menu.
4242 The bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) defined in array number <number> is associated with multiple materials. A unique BRDF function should be defined for each material. Otherwise, the emission distribution from the BRDF-associated materials will not be computed correctly.
4243 With Monte Carlo ray tracing, Group-to-Group view factor requests are treated as Enclosure requests.
4244 With the Monte Carlo ray tracing algorithm, <number> rays have been requested from one of the elements. This exceeds the limit of <number>. The limit will be imposed: to increase the limit, use the MONTE CARLO RAY LIMIT option in the advanced options form.
4245 Array <number> specifies a direction dependent E/Absorptivity distribution function. The incident angle must be specified from 0 to 90 degrees. Otherwise, the results may not be good.
4246 Array <number> specifies a direction dependent E/Absorptivity distribution function. The independent variables are incorrectly specified. The first independent variable should be ANG_INC, and the second should be DIR_INC. The array will be ignored.
4247 Ray-tracing using octree is not supported yet when parabolic elements are present. Ray-tracing will be performed without octree.
4248 The thermal coupling involving the primary selection: <name> and the secondary selection: <name> is specified with the revolved secondary region option. The selected primary and secondary regions are not rotationally periodic about the specified axis.
4249 Spinning elements could possibly collide with unspun elements.
4250 Extinction coefficient is ignored for view factor requests.
4251 Free correlations are present in a model with Articulation/Spinning. Free Correlations evaluation will only use geometrical information from first articulation time.
4252 Enclosure radiation with axisymmetric elements and Ray-tracing method are used. Parabolic elements will be treated as linear for Radiation.
4253 One or more immersed duct BCs do not intersect any solid elements.
4254 Thermal coupling failed for <name>. No eligible secondary elements found between groups <name> and <name>.
4255 A boundary condition is applied on an internal line between axisymmetric and plane stress elements. The plane stress element has a bigger thickness than the axisymmetric one, which is usually not physical. The associated BC is: <name>.
4310 No view factors present for radiative conductance calculations.
4311 Error in ARR subroutine in GRAYB module.
4312 Some Oppenheim elements were relabeled.
4313 The view factor sum of some elements is > <value>, better results may be obtained by recalculating them with a higher subdivision parameter.
4314 The view factor sum of some elements is < <value>. Incomplete enclosures may exist in the model.
4315 Radiative couplings are generated with Gebhardt's while using the CG element method. If convergence problems result, try Oppenheim's method.
4316 The view factor sum error of the following <number> element(s) exceeds <value> %. The total number elements with non-zero view factor sums is <value>. Incomplete enclosures may exist in the model. A complete element list can be found in file groups.unv under the group name: <name>. List of the elements <IDs>.
4317 The original emissivity of a material used in initial run was changed for a restart. Verify that the emissivity is only changed for a material with no transmissivity and/or specularity.
4400 No view factors exist, no radiative heating calculations performed.
4401 No solar gray body view factor matrix exists for radiative heating.
4402 No IR gray body view factor matrix exists for radiative heating.
4403 Emissivity and solar absorptivity not identical for element <ID>. Radiative couplings are not modified for specular effects.
4404 No solar view factors exist for solar heating.
4405 No Earth view factors for orbital heating or IR heat flux view factors exist.
4406 No albedo factors or solar spectrum heat flux view factors exist.
4407 No radiative heat loads computed.
4408 Ambient Earth IR flux = 0, no Earth IR heat loads computed.
4409 Ambient solar flux = 0, no orbital heat loads computed.
4410 Iterative heat flux calculation method did not converge, residual fraction of incident energy that was evenly redistributed was <value>.
4411 The heat flux view factors do not sum to 1, and because of this the total radiated energy is off by approximately <value>%. You can scale the heat flux view factors with the SHF option on the Advanced Solver Options form.
4412 The heat flux view factors do not sum to 1, and because of this the total radiated energy is off by approximately <value>%. This energy was compensated for by scaling the heat flux view factors.
4413 For some of the transparent elements the reverse sides have no view factors calculated. Thus, the diffusely reflected radiation on these elements has nowhere to go and is discarded. The magnitude of this radiation is <value>.
4414 The following <number> transparent element(s) have no view factors calculated on their reverse sides. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>.
4415 No Earth view factors for orbital heating exist.
4416 No albedo factors exist.
4417 The following <number> elements appear in multiple radiative source requests. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>.
4418 This is a multispectral run. An iterative method will be used to redistribute heat fluxes.
4500 Temperature of sink element <ID> is not defined for time= <value>.
4501 Element no <ID> has more than 4 nodes, ignored in NASTRAN output.
4502 CG element method is used with SINDA output format. Erroneous conductive conductances will result.
4503 File FMODLF was erroneously specified as output file for SINDA 85 format. No output is created.
4600 NASTRAN CELAS2 Card <name> is not acceptable.
4601 NASTRAN Card <name> does not have proper immediately following continuation Card.
4602 Error in element <ID>.
4603 NASTRAN MAT4 or PROPERTY Card missing for element <ID>.
4604 NASTRAN CHBDY Card <name> not recognized.
4605 NASTRAN continuation Card not found for Card <name>.
4606 Error in NASTRAN field <name>.
4607 NASTRAN Node no <ID> > 9999, it is ignored.
4608 Number of NASTRAN CORD1 Cards exceeds <number>.
4609 Number of NASTRAN CORD2 Cards exceeds <number>.
4610 Error in node no <ID> in element no <ID>.
4611 NASTRAN Coordinate system <ID> is a duplicate.
4612 No coordinate system <ID> for node <ID>.
4613 Node <ID> has untransformable coordinate system.
4614 No continuation Card for CORD2 <name>.
4800 Area of element <ID> is not present on file VUFF.
4801 Radiation linearization temperature = 0. For automatic element merging, a value of 1 is used.
4802 Stefan Boltzmann constant = 0. For automatic element merging, a value of 1 is used.
4803 Possible loss of precision, time value <value> converted to <value>.
4804 On XCAP Card field 3 = <value> is smaller than field 2 = <value>.
4805 Radiation linearization temperature = 0. For element elimination, a value of 1 is used.
4806 Stefan Boltzmann constant = 0. For element elimination, a value of 1 is used.
4807 Error on file MODLCF in line <number>.
4808 No sink temperature on file TEMPF for element <ID> at time = <value>.
4809 Radiation linearization temperature = 0. For conductance thinning, a value of 1 used.
4810 Stefan Boltzmann constant = 0. For element elimination, a value of 1 used.
4811 Improper value for radiation linearization temperature, matrix thinning is not performed.
4812 Read error during thinning operation.
4813 Element <ID> is a boundary element, cannot be eliminated.
4814 Element merging is being performed with the element CG method, convergence problems may result.
4815 Elements <ID> and <ID> are merged and have table-dependent material properties which do not reference the same table.
4816 These elements have different temperature-dependent thermal conductivities but are joined by conductances directly. Errors may result. Please place an element between them or use the element CG method.
4817 These elements have temperature-dependent thermal conductivities and are joined by XCOND Cards. Errors may result. Suggest you use the element CG method.
4818 Capacitance was not distributed to following elements because they are solids. Use the volume option instead of the area option for these elements.
4819 On a total heat load request there is a mixture of shell and solid elements. The heat load redistribution will be inaccurate.
4820 A conductive coupling exists at the interface between two plane stress elements with different numbers of instances. Any convective BC applied on the interface will use the difference of thicknesses as the convecting area unless otherwise specified in the BC UI dialog. The associated element numbers can be found in the [Solution_name]_report.log file in the group name Interface Elements.
4821 A convective coupling exists at the interface between two elements with no convective area. The associated boundary conditions and element numbers can be found in the [Solution_name]_report.log file in the group names. Boundary Conditions With 0 Convection and Elements With 0 Convection.
4900 Writing Analyz matrix into tmggeom.dat
4901 Possible divergence in Chebyshev accelerator.
4902 There are no temperature boundary conditions in the model.
4903 Interpolation truncated for table number <number> at iteration <number>. X = <value>, Number of table entries <number>.



Table too long to display. Only the first 2 table entries are shown.
4904 Truncation of <name> vs time table has been performed at iteration <number>. X = <value>, Number of table entries <number>.



4905 In USER1 subroutine fan, internal element <ID> is not a FANPUMP.
4906 There are no boundary conditions in the flow model.
4907 Element <ID> <name> has no path to a temperature sink.
4908 Fluid element <ID> <name> has no path to a pressure BC.
4909 Navier Stokes 1D solver could not converge in <number> iterations. Max Residual value = <value>. Convergence criteria = <value>. This can be improved by increasing the iteration limit for the duct flow solver.
4910 Format in user written subroutine FORMOUT is neither TEMPF nor I-DEAS.
4911 File name <name> has > 12 characters in user written subroutine FORMOUT, cannot process.
4912 Incorrect specific data type <ID> specified for user called subroutine FORMOUT, 0 used.
4913 More than 100 file names specified in user-called subroutine FORMOUT.
4914 Free convection conductance <ID> between elements <ID> <name> and <ID> <name> is not active.
4915 Reynolds number of fluid element <ID> > <value>. Mass flow balance and flow resistances may be incorrect.
4916 Reynolds number of fluid element <ID> < <value>. Mass flow balance and flow resistances may be incorrect.
4917 Temperature of element <ID> was not calculated, it is needed for the temperature of node <ID>.
4918 Temperature of element <ID> is below absolute zero.
4919 Element <ID> is not a fluid flow element.
4920 Element <ID> <name> has improper hydraulic diameter defined, it was recalculated from its area.
4921 Element <ID> <name> has no hydraulic diameter defined, calculated from area.
4923 At thermal iteration <number> fluid model did not converge after <number> hydraulic iterations. PDmax= <value>. Pmax= <value> Pmin= <value>.
4924 Error in READPROP subroutine, reading from file VUFF the line <namber>.
4925 Element <ID> has ambiguous propagation of flow sections.
4926 Incorrect table number <number> referenced in subroutine TINT.
4927 In function TMGINT the argument exceeds the limits of the <number> specified independent variable in the array. Argument = <value>. Array = <value> <value> <value>.
4928 Element <ID> should be defined on file INPF for NASTRAN format temperature output.
4929 Follower conductance should not redefine temperature of a sink element.
4930 Ambiguous flow section propagation through branch point <ID>. Define flow sections explicitly.
4931 The thermal solver reached the maximum steady-state iteration limit without satisfying the convergence targets.
4932 Space element <ID> temperature fixed at <value>.
4933 Deviation from heat balance > 10% of heat flow into sinks.
4934 Flow direction in fluid element <ID> is opposite element direction. Boundary layer effects on forced convective conductances are incorrect. Reverse fluid element directions in that branch and rerun the model.
4935 Flow direction in fluid element <ID> is opposite element direction. Boundary layer effects on forced convective conductances are incorrect. Reverse fluid element direction and rerun the model.
4936 Choked flow occurs for the following <number> elements. Results may be incorrect. A complete list of elements appears in file groups.unv with the group name: <name>.
4937 Element <ID> <name> at the end of long chain is not pressure sink. Convergence problems may result.
4938 At iteration <number> fluid model did not converge after <number> iterations. PDmax= <value> Pmax= <value> Pmin= <value>. Clipping is performed on hydraulic resistance <ID>.
4939 Table-dependent density specified for element <ID>, it should be specified as liquid.
4940 Element CG method is used without conjugate-gradient solver, convergence problems may result.
4941 The following elements have no paths to temperature boundary condition.
4943 The following <number> elements have no paths to fluid elements or temperature boundary conditions.
4944 The thermal CG solver did not converge after <number> iterations. The solution is automatically restarting. No user intervention is required. Matrix fill value= <value>, Residual= <value>.
4945 The following elements have improper shapes: <IDs>.
4946 Interpolation is truncated for table number <number> at time <value>. X = <value>, Number of table entries <number>.



4947 Truncation of <name> vs time table has been performed at time <value>. X = <value>, Number of table entries <number>.



4948 Memory allocation failed with ILU value of <value>. Trying again with ILU value of <value>.
4949 Compressibility effects were ignored because only a single thermal iteration was performed.
4950 The PARAM FASTRANSIENT option has introduced nontrivial approximations to radiative conductance <ID> connecting elements <ID> and <ID>. Other conductances and results accuracy may also be affected.
4951 PARAM QUARTIC Option is present with series radiative conductances. The effect of the series radiative conductances is ignored.
4952 Conjugate-gradient solver did not converge in <number> iterations. Solution automatically restarting with matrix fill value <value>. Information: Residual= <value> Target = <value> Matrix fill= <value>. No user intervention required.
4953 The following elements' conductances were modified to make the solution more robust. If possible, modify these elements to make them less distorted.
4954 Conjugate-gradient solver did not converge in <number> iterations. Solution automatically restarting with an iteration limit of <value>. Information: Residual= <value> Target = <value> Matrix fill= <value>. No user intervention required.
4955 No capacitances exist for transient run.
4957 The Reynolds number is out of the recommended range in the correlation for the head loss coefficient in a curved duct. Re= <value>. The recommended range is 2.E4 < Re < 4.E5.
4958 The Dean number is out of the recommended range in the correlation for the head loss coefficient in a curved duct. De= <value>. The recommended range is 50 < De < 5000.
4959 The radius of curvature of the curved duct element <value> is too small. Please check the geometry.
4960 The orientation of one of the following hydraulic elements is not consistent with the rest in its branch. This was internally corrected. To be safe, please check the geometry.
4962 The thermal CG solver did not converge. Solution is restarting with the BICGSTAB(2) algorithm. No user intervention is required.
4963 Maximum allowable temperature was exceeded, clipping was performed. This may cause heat balance deviation.
4964 The following fluid elements do not convect to any solids. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>.
4965 Internal error: the hydraulic element <value> is improperly defined.
4966 The following <number> elements have no paths to a temperature boundary condition. These elements will be ignored. Total heat load on these not-connected elements is <value>. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>. List of elements <IDs>.
4967 The following elements have no paths to fluid elements or temperature boundary conditions. These elements will be ignored in temperature calculations. For the duration of the run, they will be assigned a negative capacitance value. The total heat load on these elements is <value>. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>. List of elements <IDs>.
4968 At time= <value> the maximum temperature change of <value> at element <ID> exceeds twice the maximum allowable value of <value>.
4969 The most upstream and the most downstream ends of the chain of 1-way conductances must be sink elements. Therefore, an upstream element of a 1-way conductance must be either a sink element or the downstream element of another 1-way conductance. A downstream element of a 1-way conductance must be either a sink element or the upstream element of another 1-way conductance. The following elements are improperly connected with 1-way conductances.
4970 Electrical elements are present without proper electrical boundary conditions. No electrical power dissipation is computed.
4971 Hydraulic element <ID> is in a closed loop with no pressure boundary conditions. A zero gauge pressure boundary condition was assigned to it.
4972 Incorrect series thermal coupling specified between elements <ID> and <ID>. Possible cause: elements do not share a common boundary.
4973 Sum of 1-way conductances at the following elements and possibly others do not sum to zero. Energy imbalance may result.
4974 There is a very large number of radiative conductances in the model. This may result in slow convergence or even memory exhaustion. You can reduce the number of radiative conductances with the Card 9 PARAM PATCH option. You can activate this option from the Radiation Control / Advanced Parameters sub-form.
4975 <Number> elements have Reynolds Numbers either below <value> or above <value>. A list of these elements was written on files [Solution_name]_report.log and groups.unv with group name <name>.
4977 For ablative element <ID> with material ID <ID> a second material ID <ID> is specified after ablation has taken place. Unfortunately, the second material has a table-dependent <value> whereas the original one has a constant one. This is not allowed. Please make sure that the <value> is either constant or table-dependent on both materials.
4978 For element <ID> a change of material is specified from material ID <ID> to material ID <ID>. Unfortunately the second material does not exist.
4979 You are calling the interpolation subroutine TINT from a user-written subroutine. You are using double precision time and temperatures. Please ensure that the independent variable X in the CALL TINT(X,Y,N) statement is not a double precision variable, the TINT routine accepts only single precision variables.
4980 The following <number> elements have no paths to a voltage boundary condition. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>.
4981 You are calling the interpolation routine ARRAYINTERP from a user-written subroutine. You are using double precision time and temperatures. Please ensure that the independent variables X,Y,Z in the CALL statement are single precision variables.
4982 Your model has absolute temperature units (R or K), it has radiative conductances, and at least one of the initial temperatures is not specified or is at absolute zero. This is physically unrealistic and may result in convergence problems. If this happens, please try specifying non-zero initial temperatures.
4983 Your model has absolute temperature units (R or K), it has radiative conductances, and at least one sink temperature is at absolute zero. This is physically unrealistic and may result in convergence problems. If this happens, please change the sink temperatures to be above absolute zero.
4984 The following <number> elements have no paths to a temperature boundary condition. The total heat load on these elements is <value>. Convergence problems may result. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>.
4985 The following elements have no paths to fluid elements or temperature boundary conditions. The total heat load on these elements is <value>. Convergence problems may result. A complete element list appears in file groups.unv with the group name <name>.
4986 The computed heater/cooler power requirement for thermostat <name> at <value> percent of its nominal power rating is outside the expected range of 0 to 100 percent.
4987 The computed heater/cooler power requirement for thermostat <name> at <value> percent of its nominal power rating is outside the expected range of 0 to 100 percent and will be limited to <value> percent. The desired temperature target may not be reached for this thermostat.
4988 No heater/cooler power rating available for thermostat <name>. That thermostat is disabled and the corresponding desired target temperature will be ignored.
4990 Stream network mass flow imbalance of <value> at element <ID> is larger than one percent of that element mass flow of <value>.
4991 Ablated layer <ID> of a non-uniform element <ID> is not connected to any unablated elements.
4992 Total Temperature: Non-zero swirl ratio defined on boundary conditions (BCs) with no corresponding rotation defined. Swirl velocity is treated as zero for these BCs.
4993 Total Temperature: Relative Temperature Reference frame is used for stream (or ducts) with ID <ID> and name: <name> but fluid elements convect to walls at different rotational speeds. Relative calculation frame is INVALID.
4994 Total Temperature: Swirl variables are defined on walls which do not convect to fluid (Duct or Stream) elements.
4995 Target temperatures or differences in temperatures were not reached during the run.
4996 Multiple gravity loads are present. Only the first one will be retained.
4997 The named point '<name>' used in the function call does not exist. Return the default value for the function.
4998 The closest element to the named point '<name>' was not found during the octree search. Return the default value for the function '<name>'. All further same warnings with this function and named point are disabled.
4999 The closest element <ID> to the named point '<name>' does not have connections to hydraulic elements. Return the default value for the function '<name>'. All further same warnings with this function and named point are disabled.