New Analysis page

The New Analysis page lets you create a thermal correlation analysis when you select the New Analysis node in the main panel. You can create multiple correlation analyses from any supported solution in the displayed simulation file.

New Analysis
Name Sets a unique name for the thermal correlation analysis.
Description Sets a description for the thermal correlation analysis to help you differentiate between other analyses. This description appears only on the Analysis page.
Original Solution
Original Solution table Lists all supported solutions in the Simulation file that can be used as an original solution.

You can create a correlated solution from any supported original solutions. For each solution, the software displays the following information:

  • Name—Displays the name of the original solution.
  • Type—Displays whether the original solution is steady-state or transient.
Create Creates the analysis node and sub-nodes in the main panel, which you use to perform the thermal correlation analysis on the correlated solution.

TMG Correlation automatically clones the original solution to a correlated solution, named Correlated_<original solution name>_<analysis name>, which is displayed in the Simcenter 3D Simulation Navigator. During optimization, the software solves the correlated solution to get an optimized solution.