Understanding design variables
A design variable is a simulation entity of your model that the TMG Correlation solver varies within a specific range during the optimization to reduce the gap between the reference data and the simulation results.
You can apply design variables on:
- Boundary condition parameters, which are usually the magnitude of a load, constraint, or simulation object, such as the heat transfer coefficient in the Thermal Coupling simulation object, or the heat pickup in a Thermal Stream load.
- Expressions used in any boundary condition, such as HTCFORCE(34[mm],"DUCT_FULL"), which models convective heat transfer between the fluid in a duct network and the walls of the duct, using standard correlations for forced convection in a 1D flow system with a fully developed boundary layer.
TMG Correlation lets you apply design variables as a:
- Substitution—replaces the selected parameter or expression with a new expression that is the design variable. The design variable has the units of the original parameter or expression.
- Multiplier—adds in front of the selected parameter or expression, a multiplier that is the design variable. The design variable is unitless. The same multiplier design variable can be applied to multiple parameters or expressions.
TMG Correlation only supports design variables created from entities in the Simulation file. It does not support design variables created from entities in the FEM or assembly FEM, such as material properties, physical properties, and thermo-optical properties.