Analysis page

The <analysis name> page displays information about the thermal correlation analysis and allows you to delete a thermal correlation analysis when you select the <analysis name> node in the main panel.

Analysis Overview
Name Displays the name of the thermal correlation analysis.
Description Displays the description of the thermal correlation analysis.
Temperature Unit Displays the temperature unit used for the thermal correlation analysis, which is inferred from the original solution.
Analysis Overview table Lists the original and correlated solutions that constitute the thermal correlation analysis.

  • Name—Displays the name of the solution.
  • Type—Displays the solution type: steady-state or transient.
  • Stage—Specifies the optimization status of solution: original or correlated.
Delete Analysis Deletes the thermal correlation analysis.
Clone Analysis Duplicates an existing thermal correlation analysis with the same reference data, design variables and solver settings.

The duplicated thermal correlation analysis displays in the TMG Correlation main panel with the name Copy of <analysis name>.