12. Plot the thermal correlation graph during the optimization process.
The Solution Monitor dialog box is still open from the previous step. During the solve, you will plot the evolution of the objective function and the evolution of the design variables gradient.
In the Solution Monitor dialog box, click
and choose to monitor the optimization process and check the convergence.
The graphs become available as the solve advances.
The software automatically exports an image of the convergence graph to the run directory in the PNG and HTML formats. You can find these images in the following files Objective Function History.png and in the Solution_Monitor_Graphs.html in the run directory.
The optimization is complete when the objective function values fall below the convergence criterion, indicated by Target on the graph Your convergence curve may be slightly different.
In the Solution Monitor dialog box, click
and choose to monitor the evolution of the design variables.
The value of thewalls_mass_TCTC_Heat_Transfer_Coefficient
design variable does not evolve during the optimization. This means that the design variable converged to a constant value. The software identifies an optimal value for the design variable. Your Design Variable History curve may be slightly different. - Wait until the solve is complete.
- In the Review Results dialog box, click Yes to review the messages in the Solution Monitor dialog box.
- Close the Information window.