Preparing reference data

A thermal correlation analysis requires reference data in the TMG Correlation interface.

Reference data contains temperatures at specific locations, called sensors, and their time stamps. This data can contain thermocouple (TC) data from experiments or industrial applications, or temperature data from theory, third-party simulations, or an existing Simcenter 3D simulation.

You can import the reference data from comma-separated values (CSV) files or manually define them directly in the TMG Correlation dialog box. TMG Correlation supports the CSV files that contain reference data for:

  • All sensors at once.
  • A single sensor.

You cannot specify units in the CSV file. You must ensure that the sensor data units match the units of the original Simcenter 3D solution.

When the End time option is set to Based on Cyclic Criterion, the reference data must be specified within the orbit start and end time. TMG Correlation will detect the cycle in which the solution has converged and will perform the optimization on the converged cycle.