Summation of the energy packets to calculate the ray-traced view factors
This section explains how energy packets are summed to calculate geometric view factors after ray-tracing calculations are completed.
For solar view factors, albedo view factors, planet view factors, and heat flux view factors, the geometric view factor is calculated by:
- N is the number of rays launched from source element i that arrive at element j.
- VFji is the view factor from element j to source element i.
- POWERi is the power per unit area of the emitting element:
- = POWERIR for IR spectrum heat flux view factor calculations.
- = POWER for solar spectrum heat flux view factor calculations.
- = 1 for solar view factor calculations
- = ALB cos(θ) for albedo view factor calculations.
- Rijk is the reduction factor by which the strength of the k'th ray launched from i is reduced after multiple reflections when it arrives at j.
- m is the first element that the k'th ray hits.
- DAi DVFim is the strength of the k'th ray launched from i.
For solar spectrum view factors, the view factor from element i to j is calculated with:
For IR spectrum view factors, the view factor from element i to j is calculated with:
In effect, the view factor is calculated for an area reduced by the sum of the specular reflectivity and transmissivity in each spectrum.