Reflected/transmitted energy packet strengths computation
After the ray hits a specular or transparent element j, one or two new rays are launched from the point where the incident ray intersects DAj.
- If element j is only specular or transparent but not both, a single ray is launched.
- If element j is both specular and transparent (half-silvered mirror), then two new rays are launched from DAj: one ray is transmitted and one is reflected. For each of the newly launched rays, two energy packets (one in the solar and one in the IR spectrum) are tracked, for a total of four energy packets.
The new energy packets' strengths are computed as follows:
Strengthrefsol = ρsolj Strengthsolj
StrengthrefIR = ρIRj StrengthIRj
Strengthtranssol = τsolj Strengthsolj
StrengthtransIR = τIRj StrengthIRj
- ρsolj is the specular reflectivity of the element j in the solar spectrum.
- ρIRj is the specular reflectivity of the element j in the IR spectrum.
- τsolj is the transparency of the element j in the solar spectrum.
- τIRj is the transparency of the element j in the IR spectrum.
- Strengthrefsol is the strength of the specularly reflected solar spectrum energy packet.
- StrengthrefIR is the strength of the specularly reflected IR spectrum energy packet.
- Strengthtranssol is the strength of the transmitted solar spectrum energy packet.
- StrengthtransIR is the strength of the transmitted IR spectrum energy packet.