Command prompt only processes

The following table lists processes that are available only from the command prompt, their corresponding command prompt switch, and their description.

Switch Process name Description
TS Purge all files and run TMG analysis from scxtmg.dat Deletes all thermal solver run time files, then runs a thermal analysis using the local scratch file scxtmg.dat. The scxtmg.dat file is the thermal solver input file from which INPF is created for legacy NX I-deas TMG and Simcenter Femap TMG (11.4.1 or earlier) applications.
ND Run analysis from XML, using DMP (scheduler) mode Runs a thermal, flow, or coupled thermal-flow analysis in parallel on a cluster, using a scheduler.
AN Translate TMG data to ANSYS input file Creates an ANSYS PREP7 or POST1 file from the nodal temperature results of a thermal solution for legacy NX I-deas TMG, NX I-deas ESC, and Simcenter Femap TMG (11.4.1 or earlier) applications.
RA Merge ANSYS with TMG files and run TMG Merges an ANSYS database file with a thermal input file, runs the thermal analysis, and recovers temperatures in ANSYS format for legacy NX I-deas TMG, NX I-deas ESC, and Simcenter Femap TMG (11.4.1 or earlier) applications. The ANSYS database file is generated with the CDWRITE command.
NV Translate NEVADA input file to I-DEAS universal file Translates a NEVADA input deck to the UNV format for legacy NX I-deas TMG, NX I-deas ESC, and Simcenter Femap TMG (11.4.1 or earlier) applications.
CM Translate TMG Level 6 thermal data base to I-DEAS universal file Translates an NX I-deas TMG Level 6 database file (*.tm2 format) into a file with the UNV format for legacy NX I-deas TMG, NX I-deas ESC, and Simcenter Femap TMG (11.4.1 or earlier) applications.
RE Start MAYA Results Reporter Starts the legacy Maya Results Reporter application, if it is installed on your computer, and works for results from legacy NX I-deas TMG, NX I-deas ESC, and Simcenter Femap TMG (11.4.1 or earlier) applications.
PT Starts the Parallel Configuration Tool program Opens the Parallel Configuration Tool to let you create or modify the parallel configuration XML file and validate computers for parallel processing.
RP Change parameter while the ANALYZER module is running Allows you to change thermal parameters while solving a thermal analysis. The solution process must be in the ANALYZER module of the thermal solver.
UI Start TMG Executive Menu GUI Opens the MAYA HTT TMG Executive dialog box.
VA View all commands Lists all TMG Executive Menu processes that are available from the command prompt.
EX Exit Closes the TMG Executive Menu application.