VVF11 - Compressible flow in a converging diverging nozzle

Flow boundary conditions Test case
Case1 SVTEST180
Case2 SVTEST181
Case3 SVTEST182
Case4 SVTEST183


This case examines the compressible flow in a converging diverging nozzle. The flow is simulated by imposing a pressure difference between the nozzle inlet and exit. This case investigates two subsonic and two transonic cases.


The nozzle is 0.6 m in length, the ends are 0.2 m wide and the throat is 0.1 m wide.

Simulation model

This model uses the Advanced Flow solution type.

The X-Y face of the model is meshed using 2D quadrilateral elements that are 10 mm element size and are paved onto the X-Y face. The swept mesh is made of hexahedral elements with 4 mm in size.

The fluid is modeled using compressible air with the following properties:

  • Mass density: ρ = 1.2041 kg/m3
  • Thermal conductivity: k = 0.0263 W/(m·K)
  • Thermal expansion coefficient: β = 3.41 × 10−3 K−1
  • Specific heat at constant pressure: Cp = 1007 J/(kg·K)
  • Gas constant: R = 287 J/(kg·K)
  • Dynamic viscosity: µ = 1.85 × 10−5 kg/(m·s)

The following boundary conditions are applied:

  • Flow Surface: Boundary Flow Surface on the 6 planes bounding the nozzle portion using a Slip Wall.
  • Symmetry Plane on the two surfaces in parallel with X-Y plane.
  • Flow Boundary Condition: Opening on the three surfaces of the inlet and on the three surfaces of the outlet with a pressure at the outlet vent provided in the following table.

    Case Inlet pressure (MPa) Outlet pressure (MPa)
    1 0.1 0.08
    2 0.1 0.085
    3 0.1 0.0925
    4 0.1 0.095

The following solution options are set:

  • Turbulence Model: K-Epsilon
  • Solution Type: Steady State
  • Ambient Conditions: Fluid temperature = 20 ºC, absolute pressure value = 0.1 MPa
  • 3D Flow: Slip Wall, High Speed Flow is selected

The following solver parameters are set:

  • Thermal Solver: Iteration limit 10000
  • 3D Flow Solver: Physical steady-state with time step = 0.001 s
  • 3D Flow Solver: Maximum Residuals = 1e-06
  • 3D Flow Solver: Iteration limit =10000


Compressible flow through a converging-diverging nozzle is a classic fluid mechanics problem. For the ideal flow the Mach number is defined as:


  • M is the Mach number.
  • v is the object speed.
  • a is the sound speed.

Sound speed is computed as:

where γ = 1.4.

The first relation governing the flow in a nozzle is:

The relation between the pressure and temperature has to be satisfied between every two points of the stream and not separated by a normal shock. The sonic velocity can be attained only at the throat.

The relation between pressure and Mach number on each side of a normal shock is given by:


The following table shows the pressure ratio comparison between the inlet (1) and throat (2) using temperature.

Pout/Pin P 1 (MPa) T1 (K) P2 (MPa) T2 (K) Sim: P2/P1 Th: P2/P1 Diff (%)
0.8 0.0995 292.8 0.0527 244.8 0.5303 0.535 0.83
0.85 0.0995 292.8 0.0528 244.9 0.5313 0.536 0.85
0.925 0.0996 292.8 0.0706 266.6 0.7093 0.720 1.55
0.95 0.0997 292.9 0.0821 277.9 0.823 0.831 1.01

The pressure values are absolute pressure.

The following table shows the pressure ratio comparison between the inlet (1) and throat (2) using a Mach number.

Pout/Pin P1 (MPa) P2 (MPa) M Sim: P2/P1 Th: P2/P1 Diff (%)
0.8 0.0995 0.0527 0.995 0.530 0.531 0.18
0.85 0.0995 0.0529 0.995 0.532 0.531 -0.01
0.925 0.0996 0.0706 0.706 0.709 0.717 1.08
0.95 0.0997 0.0821 0.525 0.822 0.829 0.69

The following figure compares the pressure ratio along the nozzle for various outlet pressures.