Elemental subdivision algorithm

For certain operations such as shadowing checks and ray-tracing elements need to be subdivided into sub-elements.

The thermal solver governs the rules for the subdivision. A larger subdivision parameter yields a larger number of sub-elements, resulting in more accurate the shadowing and ray-tracing calculations, with corresponding penalties in calculation time.

The subdivision algorithm is shown in the following image. If the elemental subdivision parameter (MESH) is greater than 0, planar elements are subdivided into MESH2×NV triangular sub-elements, where NV is the number of nodes. The element's centroid is joined to each of its nodes, and each triangle thus created is subdivided into MESH2 similar sub-triangles by subdividing each line segment into equal parts.

Beam elements are subdivided into sub-elements equal to subdivision parameter.

Lump mass elements are not subdivided.

If solar view factors are calculated for specular and transparent elements, the calculated subdivision parameter value is multiplied by 5. This is to increase accuracy and reduce aliasing effects.