Radiative heat flow between groups using Oppenheim method

This topic explains the two-step process for calculating radiative heat flow between groups using the Oppenheim method, including the necessary equations and boundary conditions.

This calculation is performed in two steps. First, all real element temperatures are set to absolute zero except for those in group B, which are maintained at their calculated values. The temperatures of all Oppenheim elements are then calculated. The radiative heat flow from group B into group A at absolute zero is equal to the heat flow from the Oppenheim conductances of group A into the elements of group A.

Next, the process is reversed: all temperatures, except those in group A, are set to absolute zero. This temperature field is used to compute the radiative heat exchange from group A to B at absolute zero, as explained in the previous step. The net radiative heat flow from B to A is the heat flow calculated in step 1 minus the heat flow calculated in step 2.

The net heat flow is expressed in the equation below:


  • Subscript A are elements associated to group A.
  • Subscript B are elements associated to group B.
  • Subscript i is the index of elements in group A.
  • Subscript o are the Oppenheim elements.
  • Subscript z is the index of element set maintained at absolute zero.
  • TAi is the temperature of the element i in group A.
  • TAio is the temperature of the Oppenheim element of element i in group A.
  • GAio is the conductance between element eAi and its Oppenheim element.
  • TAioz is the temperature of the Oppenheim element of eAi, the ith element of group A, calculated with the following BC’s:
    • All non-Oppenheim elements (except group B) are sinks with absolute zero temperatures.
    • All the B elements are sinks set at their correct temperatures.
  • TBioz is the temperature of the Oppenheim element of eBi, the ith element of group B, calculated with the following BC’s:

    • All non-Oppenheim elements (except group A) are sinks with absolute zero temperatures.
    • All the A elements are sinks set at their correct temperatures.
  • GBio is the conductance between element eBi and its Oppenheim element.