Make sure that AutoCAD with Thermal Desktop version 6.2 or higher is installed on your workstation. Launch the MayaThermalExchangerSetup.1.0.0.exe and follow the installation steps:
Step 1 - Installation mode
When you launch the installer, choose one of the following installation options:
Install for me only (recommended) installs the application in the
following default location:
. This mode does not need admin rights.%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\Thermal Model Exchanger
Install for all users requires admin rights to install the application in
C:\Program Files
Step 2 - License agreement
Once you choose the installation option, you must read and accept the end-user license agreement.
Step 3 - Installation location
If required, you can change the installation location. Note that depending on the installation mode you chose, you may not be able to install the Thermal Model Exchanger everywhere on your computer.
Step 4 - Shortcut creation and installation
Before you launch the installation process, you can choose to create a shortcut of the application on the desktop.
Then, you can review your installation settings and launch the installation process.
Step 5 - Finalize installation and start Thermal Model Exchanger
Thermal Model Exchanger is now installed on your computer. Run the MayaThermalExchanger.bat file to start the application.