
This method checks if the thermal solver supports the property for a given material.

Calling convention:

bool HasProperty(const char* name)
Argument Data type Description
name const char* The name of the string

You can find a definition of this function in the CaeUtils_Exp_IMaterial.hxx header file.

The following table lists the properties that the thermal solver supports.

Property Description
"MassDensity" Material density.
"SpecificHeat" Material specific heat.
"ThermalConductivity" Thermal conductivity in the orthotropic or anisotropic material X direction.
"ThermalConductivity2" Thermal conductivity in the orthotropic or anisotropic material Y direction.
"ThermalConductivity3" Thermal conductivity in the orthotropic or anisotropic material Z direction.
"DynamicVisc" Dynamic viscosity for fluid.
"MaterialType" Type of material: fluid, isotropic, orthotropic, or anisotropic.
"PhaseTemp" Temperature of the phase transition.
"LatentHeat" Latent heat during phase transition.
"ThermalExpansion" Thermal expansion coefficient.
"GasConstant" Gas constant for gases.
"YoungModulus" Young's modulus for an isotropic material.
"YoungModulus1" Poisson's ratio in the orthotropic material X direction.
"YoungModulus2" Poisson's ratio in the orthotropic material Y direction.
"YoungModulus3" Poisson's ratio in the orthotropic material Z direction.
"PoissonRatio" Poisson's ratio for an isotropic material.
"PoissonRatio12" Poisson's ratio in the orthotropic material XY direction.
"PoissonRatio23" Poisson's ratio in the orthotropic material YZ direction.
"PoissonRatio13" Poisson's ratio in the orthotropic material XZ direction.